Something isn't right..: Hi all. I've taken... - Endometriosis UK

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Something isn't right..

emcoll profile image
13 Replies

Hi all. I've taken a break from life lately. Just freed my mind and let myself enjoy the world for a while. However, that soon came to an abrupt end when I was woken in the middle of the night with a bad case of IBS. Woohoo. And with that came the crippling feeling of nausea, and hours of sitting in the bathroom with my head on my hands wondering what went wrong. I went to sleep after I stopped crying and thought nothing of it. Woke up the next day, felt like sh*t. And the next day, and the day after just keeps going until we get to today. This started six weeks ago. Feeling sick to the point of not eating. Chronic fatigue, headache that won't leave, stomach ache, all the damn time. I went to the doctors who concluded I have a viral infection. But they offered no explanation as to why I've felt too sick to function for six weeks, or why I've been feeling so awful lately. Something isn't right but I can't seem to find an answer. I found a lump in my neck which she said might be my glands..but it's not on the other side. I've lost three stone in six weeks..somebody offer any help? My endo has been going crazy over this time period as well which doesn't help :(


Em :P

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13 Replies
Lulububs profile image


Im sorry to hear ur suffering.

I had more or less same thing it came from nowhere really!

I just has crippling pain in stomach one day , fluey feeling, headaches , i couldnt eat everything made me sick and gave me upset stomach ( i lost two and a half stone in 3 weeks) and it never went until i eventually saw a nutritionalist and he said he said he thought i had gained a intolerance as they build up until ur body wont except it anymore...the reason ur endo worse is coz it will inflame ur body as ur poisoning it with something it does not want.

He suggested i gave up gluten and dairy and slowly i realised it was gluten and cows milk?

With the help of some probiotics and good digestive enzymes within a month i was fighting fit...

If i hadnt have gone to him the dr woulda just kept fobbing me off or giving me pills of some sort.

So may u have a intolerance that why ur suffering...

i had a friend who had same thing and she was alerigic to cows milk and pork? It just came from no where

Have u noticed it worse after u eat something or drink?

Try some good probiotics and digestive enzymes they should help u eat

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to Lulububs

Thank you for the advice. I've been suffering with a raging viral infection for weeks apparently, although they gave me antibiotics and it seems to have helped. Well, sort of. I can do more normal things now but still find myself suffering from time to time. It was suggested that I could have coeliac disease but I've never been tested. Might be worth testing that out

Thank you

Em :)

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to emcoll

Hi em.

My friend is ceoliac and i think u would know as she is severely sick if even by accident she if gluted( that what she calls it if someone accidently gets any gluten near her food) she is like laid up in bed with diarrhoea and sickness for days after....

I am gluten intolerant so get bad ibs symtoms after i eat but no where near like she does..

with all the antibiotics u have been taken i would say u got a case Of sibo/ candida where the antibiotics strip ur gut of any good bacteria, so u become quite sick, so u need to put the happy gut flora back to balance it all. Ie digestive enzymes and probiotics. And ur dr should tell u that really that whilst ur taking antibiotics u should b taking them as mine did.

So this may help u....dont use the actimels as ur body may find dairy hard to digest use probiotic tablets and digestive enzyme tablets ( just from any local natural shop) holland and barratt... anywhere like that.

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to Lulububs

Thank you for the reply. Doctors always tell me there might be something wrong but then never get round to testing it or explaining it to me further. My aunt is coeliac and she had the same symptoms but I just don't know what to do at the minute. So fed up of constantly being ill, it's really getting me down.

This is currently the sixth day I'm suffering with a bad IBS flare up.

Thanks for the advice and the help :)

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to emcoll

It a bummer i know, ive had it along time it just got worse as my body obv had enough of fighting the intolerance i kept putting in..

Once i went gluten and cowsmilk free it more or less let up. I do have to eat pretty bland food, i literally live on meat and veg but i supose that not a bad thing.

When i was at my worst i couldnt get of sofa some days i was doubled up in pain id spend all day on toilet either tryint to poop where i couldnt or the oposite where i was just pooing all day... was awful.

I have a pretty happy belly now there b odd days.

My body rattles though with the amount of supplements i take....

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to Lulububs

Yeah, it sucks. As it is I have trouble with eating which stems from an illness I had when I was younger. I'm a vegetarian which a fair few deficiencies which I can't get rid of. I've tried to go gluten free before but failed miserably when I realised everything I eat has gluten in. I've come a bit further in my diet now so I eat more things that are gluten free which seems to have helped.

I'm the same as you, most days I can't even move.

I'm rattling too with the sheer amount of tablets and everything I take. Sometimes I think I do more damage to myself with all the pills..

Have you had your gallbladder checked?

I recently got mine out and had very similar symptoms, but I got in after a couple weeks.

It took them for ever to find out what was wrong and the only thing that showed something was a HIDA scan.

It could be something completely different but I went through hell to figure out what was really wrong with me and wanted to share this with anyone who has had similar ailments as I did x

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to

I've never had it checked, would it be worth getting it checked?

It really sucks :( thank you for the advice, I'll be sure to check up on it

Thank you x

in reply to emcoll

Yes. You’re welcome

NW248 profile image

If your endo is bad then your body is going to react like it has flu as it is trying to combat the cells that aren't where they should be in a similar way to how it fights infections. The glands in your neck are part of the lymphatic system and the system isn't the same on the left and right, so one side can swell up.

IBS is effectively a doctors way of saying there's something wrong with your bowels but we don't know what, so we'll stick a label on it and pretend we've done our job of diagnosing you. My GP insisted I just had IBS, I had to diagnose myself with endo, it was restricting my bowels, that was causing the bowel symptoms.

The headaches can be hormonal, I had them for years every time I had a period.

You need to insist on seeing an endo specialist and you can find one at and get better treatment for your endo. Don't be fobbed of with a general gynae because many of them are useless when it comes to endo. You should also get an MRI to assess the extent of your endo, most doctors seem to think a lap is the only option for diagnosis, it isn't.

All your symptoms could be caused by an overgrowth of Candida Albicans which is the same bacteria that causes thrush, is also occurs in the intestines. Like endo it is spurred into growing by oestrogen and like endometrial tissue also produces its own type of oestrogen. So if you've got one you're likely to have the other, they help each other along. Both will result in the flu like symptoms, both will causes abdominal pains, the chemicals produced by both and by your body in response to both will cause headaches.

I would strongly suggest going on a diet to get rid of Candida, mostly it is about cutting out all carbs and anything with plant oestrogens (soya and a few other things). Candida feeds on carbs, without them it dies. However, as the Candida gets starved, it will send out chemical messages to your brain telling you to eat carbs, until it dies off you will feel like you have flu and a hangover. If you can keep to the diet, that will last for about a week, then start getting better until the Candida is all gone and your body adjusts to getting energy from fats and proteins.

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to NW248

Thank you for the advice. I got diagnosed with IBS years ago and they never seemed to help me with it. It was almost as if they b went "yeah we've diagnosed you, we're done with you now bugger off". Which I found really infuriating.

Can MRI's detect endo? Wow I didn't know that. I was told that the only way to find out was a lap, which they are now saying I may need another one as I'm running out of treatment ideas.

I'll give this diet a go. After all, I just want to feel better!

Thank you for the advice and the help!!

If you have unexplained weight loss (over 5% in 6 months) your GP has to refer you to a specialist, whichever he chooses to be (unfortunately, and you might want to press endo or gastro centre) as it is a trigger for referral for suspected cancer. I am not saying you have cancer, endo fits all your symptoms, but NHS works by algorithms, if you fit in a case, they will move you along to sort you out (with insistance of course), if the GP doesn’t know where you fit, then he can’t refer you!

You need to insist and be on the phone to get yourself checked, it’s hard but it works!

Good luck 💪🎗

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to

I just couldn't eat a thing and to be honest I'm still not eating right. I'm not even managing half of what I used to eat. I mean, it's not like I'm stick thin cause I've always been someone with a bit of meat on their bones, but it's gotten to the point where you can visibly see ribs (which is something I've never experienced). I won't say my exact weight as I'm embarrassed about it but I've dropped a good three stone in the past two months. The losing seems to have stopped now but none of the weight is going back on. I've been accused of deliberately starving myself, which is really bloody infuriating because I've suffered with eating disorders in the past and that's not something I wanted my family to bring up again.

I'm back in at the doctors in two days so I'll push on with them

Thank you for the help and advice, it's greatly appreciated!

Em :)

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