I am 100% certain I have this only tonight after googling it I have realised there is a name for it.
3 years ago when I had my first smear test I discovered I had abnormal cells & had a colposcopy- this showed that everything was really red & inflamed - the nurses reassured me that it is normal for people my age (25 at the time) however said it will probably hurt when you have sex (which it still does) I also had a cervical biopsy however the results came back inconclusive (I never had another one) after more check ups (smear tests) the cells went back to normal.
I came off the pill 16 months ago as I decided I would like to try for a baby. (Have no children yet) Since coming off the pill my period seems to be getting worse every month (I can be in excruciating pain but there is no blood or small clots of blood. I struggle to go to the toilet, shake because the pain is that bad (feels like I'm having baby contractions even though I have never had a baby... I imagine they are just like that or even easier) , I lie crouched on my side in bed unable to move, my back hurts like I'm an old lady & find it difficult to walk. The last few time this has happened As well as ibuprofen I hold a hot water bottle on my belly to ease the pain but without even realising I scolded my belly (3rd time I have done this) - taken a pic to show doctor how bad it is to Ruin my own Body like I have. (posted a pic of my gross belly)
I am going to go to the doctors first thing on Monday something I think I should have done long ago & hope they refer me to a gynecologist.
I really hope I can have children & really worried about this now as I feel time is running out anyway as I am nearly 29.
Does it sound like I have endometriosis? It is only bad like this when I'm on not all the time.
I also want to know how do they diagnose it? & How long does it take?
Would be great full for any advise thanks so much Leah x