I went to see a specialist today and to my surprise, left with a date in 4 weeks! He wanted to fit me in next week but due to work I've had to wait til later. He also told me about the Pre-Empt trial, anyone else heard of this? I honestly think it's the only reason I got a lap and could help a lot of people in the future, only downside is I could end up with a method of treatment I didn't particularly want but thats what you sign up for I guess! Any lap tips or anything would be greatly appreciated as I'm pooing myself about it, given it's my first op and I hate needles! x
Lap Date plus PRE-EMPT trial: I went to see... - Endometriosis UK
Lap Date plus PRE-EMPT trial
My lap is in 3 weeks and I’m afraid of needles too. I cry like an absolute baby, and that’s before they even touch me lol.
I use EMLA cream to numb the area where the needle is going. You can get it over the counter at Boots etc.
I’m still scared of needles but at least I don’t feel it.
What’s the pre-empt about?
Would be nice to keep up with you as we will share similar times and experiences.
totally up for that! I'm absolutely terrified about being put under, like for me that's the worst part!
Looking online it appears to be a form of progesterone treatment following preventative surgery. It could be the coil or injection etc.
Yeah, I'm already on the pill and opted out of the injection so might wake up with a mirena in, which wouldn't be ideal but if it helps it's worth trying
My consultant suggested I get the Mirena coil fitted at the same time as the lap.
After much thinking about it, I’ve decided with my gut feeling and will say no thank you on my op day. Might sound strange but I don’t want my periods to stop. I feel I have more control of them by taking the pill.
The other option she suggested was to tricycle microgynon. So I think il give that a go.
I don’t know how fast endo comes back. If I need a second lap maybe I’d consider trying Mirena.
It will be interesting to hear how you get on x
I'm hoping I don't get the lap fitted but I have no say now haha, he asked if I wanted it fitting if he didn't find endo and I said no, I don't like the idea of it either, pills seem much easier to manage!
*mirena, not lap