Hi all. I've never posted before so be friendly please had my 2nd laparoscopy 3 weeks ago and they removed quite a lot (well it looked lots on the photos) from my pelvis. There was also extensive endo on my right and left side of my bowel and adhesions trapping it and also my appendix. They operated and 'fixed' all these. I was signed off work for 3 weeks and yesterday I had to go back to the GP because I'm still in so much pain every time I eat (not keeping it down either or going to the loo) My GP is worried about the bowel surgery and wants me to take it easy and have another two weeks off so we can get this under control. I guess I just feel like a big wimp. Has anyone else taken longer than 3 weeks to recover?? Help!
Am I being a wimp ?: Hi all. I've never... - Endometriosis UK
Am I being a wimp ?

I had similar surgery 2 years ago I had it all over my bowel and my bowel and womb were stuck together, also my ovary was stuck to my pelvis. I took 6 weeks off work, but when I did go back it was only reduced hours for a few weeks as I still wasn't 100% feeling good.
You are deffo not a wimp, you've had surgery, listen to your body, only you will know when you are feeling better for work. Xx
Thanks for that hun. Made me feel so much better knowing that I'm not the only one. Got to start listening to what my body is telling me. Hope you're doing well now. Xx
I don't think we give our selves enough credit for how hard and painful having endometriosis is.
I had my little miracle baby 8 months ago he was my frozen embryo after going through IVF I was unable to catch naturally due to my endometriosis. I was pain free for the 9 months! Since I've had him it'd returned with a vengeance 🙁I'm back & for to the doctors in pain, possible op coming up again I think it will be my 3rd 😔 xx
Sorry to hear about the pain coming back again you're right it's tough to deal with and keep going normally. So happy to hear about your miracle baby! Thinking this may be our route too but it's lovely to hear a happy story in the middle of endo havoc. Xx
It is so hard, I'm having a really bad month with endo this month and it's so draining and wearing me down but I've just got to get on with it!
If you want any advice or just a chat about IVF just send me a message, it's very daunting and a very hard thing to go through but amazing at the same time. I also have 2 frozen embryos left so am Hoping I can give my little boy a sibling one day 🤞🏽 xx
I had bowel shave and removal of a 3cm RV Endo nodule along with Endo plaques on bladder and u/s ligaments and behind both ovaries. That was on 19 July. I am now due back on 3nd November well over 3 months, and still not right.
You are definitely not a wimp, this kind of surgery has a massive impact on the body and takes time to recover from. Go gently and do not return until you feel totally ready. Xxxx
Thanks hun. Hope you manage ok when you get back to work. Xx
I had my first Laparoscopy 3 years ago in December - I took 4 weeks off work and was still struggling to go to the toilet towards the end of my sick leave - I could have done with another 2! It just all depends on how your body deals with it - Don't feel like a wimp - You can't help it if you are in pain! Hope you are on the mend soon! Hugs! x
I'm on my 3rd week after having endo removed and cysts. And I took 2 weeks off work and went back I lasted 3days before I had to get another sick note. I'm still in a lot of pain and can't carry more than one carrier bag or walk for too long. But the doctors say it takes time and it's different for everyone.
You are not being a wimp you've just had surgery take off as much time as you need. I definitely learnt the hard way.
I had my first op in November... was really quite a small patch of endo that was removed but ended up being signed off for 4weeks from an office job for recovery (had a long driving commute so also needed to be comfortable driving etc) .... your body needs what your body needs, don’t try and rush it x