Coping mechanisms before and the day or s... - Endometriosis UK

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Coping mechanisms before and the day or so after your period

jillybean85 profile image
7 Replies

Hey there, just wondered what other people do on the run up to their periods as I know it's the dreaded time of the month for all of us... Atm my stomach looks like I'm about 4 months pregnant or feels like it anyway, pelvis keeps getting tighter, I've had a migraine for the last two days. I pulled a muscle in my leg trying to stretch my pelvis lying down this morning as my pelvis seized up while lying in bed. I couldn't sit on my bum muscles all morning until painkillers started working. Fun times lol.

I take strong acid tablet (they begin with an a, I can't spell it without the packet lol), herbal teas such as camomile and honey and peppermint help me sleep. Ive actually resorted to dyhydrocodine for the first time in a wee while. Naproxine helps too. Hotwater bottles are my best friend and bubble baths.

I wondered how everyone else controls their symptoms and if anyone has any tips for preventing migraines other than sumatriptan? It works but I had ran out of tablets :-(

How you get through this difficult time for us?

Thanks in advance! Xx

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7 Replies
Starfish123 profile image

For me migraines are prevented by not drinking any alcohol, just a sip and I have the heads from hell for 24-36 hours, periods bring them on too, at the beginning and the end! I use sbc's arnica gel or their camphor and menthol gels, I put them on the face where the pain is, it helps me until painkillers kick in. They are useful for pain too, just rub in. I usually get them from QVC so if you try and don't like you can send back.

For period pain I use lots of hot water bottles front and back, the hotter the better for me, and yes I've burnt my back before now but that pain is easier to deal with than period pain. I've now had the mirena coil fitted and other than the first period there has been not much pain, I can breath again so to speak.

I hope it helps

jillybean85 profile image
jillybean85 in reply to Starfish123

hey Starfish123,

I cut out alcohol 4 years ago and haven't had a single drop since, and haven't looked back. Best decision I made cutting it cold turkey.

I'd rather get my endo all removed before I try something like the coil, I had tried the injection before but that made intercourse hurt like hell, and within a couple of months of stopping it the pain had gone again.

Thanks for your advice. Have you had all your endo treated? xx

Hi Jellybean85

I'm sending you a big ((hug)).

It's a nightmare knowing what to do for the best. I find each month is different.

I've been keeping a diary. My boyfriend of 23 years tells me when my mood changes as I don't always notice.

I cut out all caffeine, sugar,dairy, wheat,gluten, pasta,rice, potatoes and soy products.

I drink herbal teas. Make my own soups. eat salads with fermented cabbage in it. Courgette noodles and cauliflower rice instead of rice and pasta. I make stir fries and use coconut amino instead of soya sauce , there is also a coconut tamarind and BBQ sauce. They taste like the normal ones without the hormones.

First thing in the morning. I have 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar with mother and 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. In a pint of filtered water. To calm my stomach. ( If you have a stomach ulcer I would not recommend the cider vinegar and lemon)

For a headache drink freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons and a teaspoon of Himalayan salt in a pint of filtered water.

I take turmeric, ginger, bromelain and papain tablet every morning to help with inflammation.

If I have non of these I drink

1 tsp of turmeric

1tsp ginger

1tsp of honey

In a cup of boiled water.

Or Try in warm almond milk with a little black pepper as a milky version.

I find eating eggs and other foods to gives me energy.

I eat dark chocolate 100% for a chocolate fix.

For the emotional side. I sleep when in pain or feel moody. So not to upset anyone else and to let my body rest.

I listen to Glenn Harrold hypnosis audios to help me sleep and relax.

Hot water bottles or heat pads help the pain.

I also use essential oils and the tapping solution technique to help with pain, anxiety and stress.

I stay away from anyone who causes me stress or does not understand. I potter about in green, gardening as it's good for the soul and calms me.

I read or listen to music.

When the pain allows I take my dogs for hikes in the beautiful countryside that surrounds me. I take my camera and try to find the beauty in everything I see when all about me is ugly and painful.

I hope you find what works best for you. Don't give up keep fighting.

jillybean85 profile image
jillybean85 in reply to

my days Zonazer were my first thoughts after reading all that haha,

I tried doing a no carb diet a while back to limit sugars etc but my stomach went a bit haywire and it felt like it was developing IBS. So I just eat a balanced diet and have nights where I don't eat high carb foods, like last night was creamy chicken with rice. If I have quiche I 'll try and have cauliflower with cheese and peas rather than potatos etc but I do have potato still if I am having a steak or something, so I balance it out.

The sugar I try my best to cut down, can't help sometimes though sometimes a good munch helps relieve my moods haha!

When do you drink your lemon juice? is it just something you drink every day or on the run up to your period? I might give that a go to help with migraines.

I found stress relief spray on my pillow helps also, I take kalm tablets on the run up so that I don't get stressed easily, sometimes I take rescue remedy and that helps also.

Like you I stay away from people that I know are going to cause me stress, i.e my husbands sister haha! I have felt guilty for not being able to work much this week, because I am a supply staff so I should be covering everyone elses' sickness :-(

I just can't take the migraines and pelvic pains, there are what really floor me, Have you had your endo treated zonazer? xxxx

Humour is a very good way to deal with things:-)

I liked your response .

I think it's best to do what your body tells you. Sounds like you have a good action plan on how to deal with your pains and requirements your body needs.

Kalms do work and rescue remedy I forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder.

I drink the lemon juice when I have a headache or my blood sugar gets low. If I feel thirsty. Anytime ready. It's got loads of vitamin C as well.

The pelvic pain is horrible. It's constant. I have second consultant appointment on 12 Oct. Hopefully It will not be too much longer before the cyst is removed and I find out how bad the endometriosis is.

jillybean85 profile image
jillybean85 in reply to

haha I try...

No problem, Kalms always help me when I am in stressful situations. I haven't needed to use rescue remedy for a wee while to be fair but I always keep some handy just incase. They do rescue remedy sweets in boots that are really good aswell, I have used them before.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, let me know how your appointment on the 12th goes? Is this your first laparoscopy? I have had my first one so if you have any questions or just want to vent or talk drop me a wee message :-)

I am on the waiting list for my next surgery to have done before the beginning of December, but I have two surgeons as my endo is all over the surface of my bowel, so I need a bowel surgeon as well as my endo surgeon, so it needs to be when the two are available to do it together on the same day. Looks like Christmas might be fun for me this year tho lol. I don't actually care when I get the surgery though. As I know it will be worth it in the long run.

Are they removing your cyst first did you say before the endo? xxx

Lulububs profile image

Oh man i have loads!!! I start taking naproxen two days before period due, i also stop eating any breads, pastas, dairy to stop bloat and headaches. I am gluten and dairy intolerant anyway and since i gave up all that my periods have got 50% better on there own.

I start drinking water alot of water and no alcohol.

On first sight of bleed i start my transexamic acid just 3 a day for first 3 days and it stops the heaviness and clots which cause the pain. Also i have a strong painkiller which i take as and when i need but never let it get bad take before it gets there....

Lots of relaxation... read, baths, good films, hot water bottles and good food not junk, i found junk food made me spotty, bloated and migraines as soon as i realised good food ie greens, vegs, fruit feeds ur body all the goodnesa ur losing...

Most of all i found SLEEP!!! As much as u can get.

They say exercise and i do every day but period days as ur muscles become tight through stress which means ur more likely to pull or hurt urself but do walk have a nice relaxing walk with dogs or i put my ipod on and go for a relaxing mooch for hour...

Hope rhis helps u.

I have got my period down to a finely tuned military precision of how to cope now it only taken me 30 years.

Oh and also i got a great womens health physio that helps with tightness and stress in that area, best thing i ever done coz ur find most people with endo or any problems in that area are tight as we carry our stress in our pelvic floor so mayb find one

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