Anyone ever had a ultrasound done for women problems and been told it's clear initially by the scan lady yet when the doctor has checked it over they've discovered something wrong???
Ultrasound question : Anyone ever had a... - Endometriosis UK
Ultrasound question

I've had 3 ultrasounds. They said they can see cysts, growths, etc but cant see endo. I wasn't ever told anything different by the doctor but I think they only ever read the radiologist's report x
I had my 2nd ultrasound on fri, heard the nurse say to the fellow nurse she cud see an polyp, but then nurse said to me all looked normal when the scan was finished. So just confused as tonif she said it was normal so I didn't worry??
Yes, many times and I have severe superficial Endo diagnosed by laparoscopy.
The technician is not supposed to give you results there and then. Although i have been told on times its fine and its usually been fine. Ive been told nothing then dragged into my gps following day. But then ive been told my my ultrasound before complex lap for endo was clear of anything, had to push for surgery, even my specialist said it showed nothing. My surgery went from intermediate to major. A clear ultrasound means nothing! I had stage 4 infiltrating endometriosis.
Like I was even talking about it today tot he girls I was with, they all just said what I've heard for months i.e. Oh it's just lady problems oh u will just have wind'. But I know my body and I just know it's neither of them
Im not even joking either.. My first ultrasound showed fluid in my bowel loops and a hydrosalphinx. I was sent for a priority lap. Was in theatre 5 mins. Couldnt touch me. I was fowarded on to a BSGE specialist. It took months, i was given zoladex. No photos where taken at my first lap, all my new surgeon knew was that i was a priority and i had a 5cm endometrioma and was just a mess. This was between 6-8 months. He sent me to see a colorectal surgeon then sent me for an ultrasound. Went back to him and he told me my ulltrasound was clear? No cyst, no hydrosalphinx, no nothing. And honestly he was trying to change my mind then reluctantly agreed to remove any endo and adhesions. Well, lets just say my bowel was suspended up by my fallopian tube with endometriomas on both ovaries and i had deep infiltrating stage 4 endo everywhere gynea and bladder/bowel. I wouldnt trust an ultrasounds as far as i can throw them. My surgeon got a shock!
I've repeated my story loads but to try and make it short I had a 3cm x.3 cm x 3cm polyp on my womb removed in December alongside a biopsy and a hysteroscopy. And since then pains r still the same and at times 'stabbing like' where I like jump like I've been stabbed and hold my tummy alongside irregular bleeding (not loads but enough to notice when I wipe etc) and bleeding twice after sex now alongside pains in my legs and lower back the past couple of weeks. Scan on Friday was apparently 'normal' even though I heard the nurse say she seen a polyp again (I'll question this when doc speaks me through results) so I said oh I'll cancel hysteroscopy and she then was demanding and quite insistent I still attended it still. Even today my tummy hurt at times. Always seems to be in the same place too
It definitely sounds a lot like possible endo! Stabbing pain was how mine kicked off when a cyst ruptured and caused non sti pid. Thats why i was sent for my first ultrasound. Back pain and leg pain are my ultimate issues which i suffered for for years until the pid. Now i have abdominal pain along with back pain. Its hard to say. Try push for a lap because thats your only way of knowing. Im 6 months post op, my endo returned full whack at 1 month post op. Still under specialist. He knows my endo was aggressive and was likely to return. Im currently on Zoladex. In some people think endo is 'chronic'. No doubt mine was, but it become acute. In fact at my first lap i only had left side endo. Absolutely none on my right side whatsoever. 5 days before my second surgery i was hospitalized with right side pain? Yep. By second surgery my right side was as bad as my left!
It just feels like a knife goes in me and makes me shout 'ow' and grab my tummy when it's like the stabbing pains. The pains can also be 'non stabbing' if that makes sense like it's 'brewing' if that sounds right like it's there but not agonising. Yeah when my legs started hurting they were just aching when I walked on them and then I would sit down and they'd feel better if that's right and when my legs were hurting and I bend down (I have a 5 year old son) to pick something up say my back would hurt as I bent down.
Sounds very much like endo .. Mines there constantly. Not killing all time but i know what you mean, you can feel it. Before mine kicked off i didnt even have painful periods. In fact was long but light. Had back pain but i thought it was normal. Thing i remember the most was chronic backpain until the stabbing started. Id definitely try your hardest to get a lap! Like i said the last ultrasound supposedly showed nothing? My ovaries where seen, everything was normal. So normal that 6 months on i still see my surgeon regulary. Not a member of his team, but always him. And hes now changed his opinion. He now believes me when i say im bad 😂😂
My periods have become lighter loads since I've had my op. The January it was like water and bright normal blood red and every month since then it's gone loads lighter and a dark brown kind of colour and the texture is different too (tmi I know) and to me that wasn't normal to which I told the doctor at the time to every time I've been
Thats me that. Mine was and actually is now brown. In fact for years my periods would start and end brown but didnt really think much of it! In fact, tbh even my first ultrasound didnt point to endo. It pointed to PID. Dr run STIs comeback normal .. Sent me for ultrasound, she thought pid so sent me first to GUM clinic, slide showed infection, then comeback clear for STIs. So in fact my endometriosis has never really showed up on ultrasound when i think about it! It was only cuz i had a massive pelvic infection that my 1st ultrasound was abnormal. 1 thing i read, no idea how true it is, but if you have more endometriosis outside your womb than in it, your periods become lighter! Cant tell you if thats true or not, but mine definitely got lighter and darker over the years! I wasnt your classic heavy/clotty period type, although i was when i had PID but that cleared with antibiotics! And im again, long, light and mainly brown!
Before my op there where lighter and a browny colour anyway but I feel like I was used to it then as I thought nothing of it when the month after my op it went super fluidly and back to bright normal blood red and soaking my pads I thought yeah I've been sorted out coz of op this is perfect (as with polyp being removed) and in Feb it went back to thick and light and a brown colour within a month and has been since. I wouldn't of thought such a drastic change would happen. Lol. Oh didn't know if periods where lighter it could be because of endo
Alot of people dont realise that if you have endo, especially endometriomas it can become lifethreatening if they rupture. They can set off peritonitis/sepsis. Thats why anything above 5cm needs removing. My mates sisters ruptured and sent her to hospital into emergency surgery. Sorted out. Mine ruptured but set off such a sub-acute infection that Drs thought it was an STI. From start to finish it took 12 months to be sorted, all the while being 'priority'. But in saying that im not actually sorted because it come straight back! Not to mention it refuses to show up on ultrasound. Its really the bane of my life! But yes you certainly can have light periods. And you sound just like me, so i honestly wouldnt rule it out without a lap!
Years ago I was told I had a polyp and I now wonder if if was one at all or whether it was the endo. You need a proper consultation for someone to go through the results with you and you should mention what you heard the nurse say. Personally I think you need a laparoscopy thats the only way for sure you'll know whats going on, many people who have endo find it does not show up on a scan, sometimes you get lucky and get an endo specialist doing the scan and only then would I be POSSIBLY satisfied if I had been told there was nothing there. I've learnt you have to make a fuss to be taken seriously so go make some noise!! x
That's the thing so many of us do not get taken seriously and eventually it can lead to depression as well as physical issues. If I knew then what I know now I'd have demanded to be taken seriously. We are all just another patient but for us it's our whole quality of life.