Hi All,
Can anyone who has had a pre-op assessment recently for a laparoscopy, give me basic overview of the things that they will do?
Ive never had anything like this so i am over-worrying.
Hi All,
Can anyone who has had a pre-op assessment recently for a laparoscopy, give me basic overview of the things that they will do?
Ive never had anything like this so i am over-worrying.
Hi Nicole44
Please don't worry.
Below is information about your forthcoming laparoscopy and what is expected to happen during the pre-op.
If you have anymore questions someone on our helpline will be happy to help.
Good luck
Endometriosis UK
Hi, at mine I had blood pressure, height and weight, ecg and had to tell the nurse about my medical history and any other previous procurdures ive had. Then was sent for bloods and for bloods to be done 3 days before the procedure
Hope this was somewhat helpful, when's your lap? x
The pre-op I had in Nov was fine. Blood pressure, pulse, o2 sats, a chance to ask questions. I didn't even have to have my blood taken. Please don't worry in my experience, I'e had 3 laps. the nurses are lovely and do their best to put you at ease.
All I ever had was a blood test, none of the other checks!
Good luck, Let us know how you go. X