Hi, would like to know if hip/lower back/ sciatic type pain is a common symptom? I've had endometriosis for 4 years and this is new! The pain is one sided (left). My last lap was over 2 years ago. I don't regularly see a gynaecologist but wonder if I should ask to be referred back? thanks, Helen
Back/hip pain: Hi, would like to know if... - Endometriosis UK
Back/hip pain

I've had this symptom on and of for years but now it's constant, every single day. I have a diagnostic lap on Monday so will find out its endometriosis and if it's linked. My doctor said IBS but I'm doubtful of that diagnosis! Hope you find some relief soon. Take care.
Did you get illregualar cycles too? Hope it all goes ok and see what the results comes out
I did for a while and now they're perfectly regular again, just extremely painful and difficulty with left sided abdominal pain that goes into my hip, back and leg. Lady on here by the name of lindle has some great info on endo on uterosacral ligaments. Symptoms seem to match.
I've suffered that similar pain for many many years - but on RHS typically. Just had a total hysterectomy- endo over / in everything. So good to have it gone except when I over go things. Only had my op 4 months ago.
Good luck finding answers.
Mini is related to my condition which is disability related after all that time suffering..... Waiting to be referred. Altho I do have ibs that's maintained which a diet that I follow...
I have exactly the same pain. I had a lap over a year ago and the pain you mentioned above came back straight away - my back and left side are the worst and I have asked for a second opinion from a different consutant
Thanks all, it arrived with my period. I have a lot of bowel probs too which make this hip worse, and these problems are worse with my period.