Have anyone evner tried Visanne for treatment of endometriosis? Did it relive the pain? I have tried Qlaira birth control together with naproxen but It didn't relive the pain. I went back to gyn on Friday and she wanted to put me on the list for laparoscopy. She said I would be absent from classes for Maybe one week but that it depends on what they are doing during lap. I know that even if I have a note from the doctors, I will have to make up all the classes I miss during this week. We talked about it and she told me that I could try Visanne for three months but if the pain is still present I will have to have a lap. I will try this. If it works, I will continue with the treatment and eventually do a lap if there will be any problems with Fertility when I deside to try to concieve. She couldn't see any endometriosis in transvaginal usg. Only a trace of fluid in pouch of Douglas. I'm also a bit afraid that I will have to do a lap if no endometriosis is found. Since she doesn't see it in the usg, I guess it is mild if it's present? Of course I know that the only way to find out for sure is to do the lap. If you have any experiences with Visanne I would appreciate to read about it. It's so hard to know what's the right decision.
Visanne and lap: Have anyone evner tried... - Endometriosis UK
Visanne and lap

Hi there, i was on visanne for 6 months after a lap and in my situation i never had any pain and found the endo by accident. while i was on Visanne i never had periods and didn't have any major side effects. My prescription just ended last week and now I am starting to get heavy white discharge so I am here to look for people who have been on the treatment and what was their experience after that. Visanne works differently with everyone, I have read of people who had severe side effects but for me it was just tiredness and nothing else. You can try it to know if it works for you.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I have Tried it for almost 3 months now. It started to work after 1,5-2 months and It has been very effective for the pain. I'm so happy that it works. I'm probably going to continue this treatment until I decide to try to get pregnant. I haven't had any periods after I started this treatment. I had problems with side effects but it's better now than in the first 2 months. And the pain is definitely worse than the side effects. Hope someone will share their after-treatment experience with you
Hi i have been on visanne but as the other lady who posted i could not tolerate it and had ro stop on day 4. I couldnt sleep, and when i finally managed to get to sleep involuntary arm and leg spasms would wake me up and my hands used to be numb on first awakening. My left calf was extremely hot. The most scarey thing for me is that my brain was telling my body to do something ie hurry up or you are going to be late and my body wouldnt respond (out of sync). My advice would be to try it and if you feel a different person, stop it. Good luck :0)
thanks.. just to update that im now having my period after a month stopping Visanne. a bit anxious as it seems like the beginning of the possibility that the endo will come back! i am going to get another scan soon to see how things are inside since i dont have any pain and will not be able to tell whether something is going on inside or not
Thanks for the update! Can I ask you why you stopped Visanne? I hope you scan goes well 😊 I'm going back to ob/gyn in the end of this week to have a New scan and discuss the further treatment. I guess I will just continue Visanne. 😊
Hi Akendo, the treatment was for 6 months only as my Dr mentioned that the effects of the pill will fade after some time. I am not sure if i should continue it yet so i have to probably ask my new Dr about it since I have moved to a new country and have to seek advice from new drs.