Just been diagnosed with a haemmorphic cyst on my left ovary always had very heavy painful periods . Gynaecologist has booked me in for a laparoscopy , hysterolgy and a coil fitted . Have had 2 Caesarean sections . Gynae reckons I have endometriosis . The pain has been the worst ever in the last 6wks . Any tips ?
Hello ladies I have never had so much pain ! - Endometriosis UK
Hello ladies I have never had so much pain !

Sorry you are in so much pain, I am going through exactly this the pain has just been crazy the last 3 weeks with the cyst, i can't offer much on the tips side of it as i am struggling too at the moment i have just been given the contraceptive jasmin 2 days ago to see if it helps with them so i will keep you updated
Which pain killers are you taking ? I've had 3 lots of antibiotics they thought I had uti or kidney infection . Am taking ibuprofen 400mg 3 times a day , paracetamol and or codeine . Feel drugged ! But it's the only way to try to cope .
Codeine makes me feel so dizzy but it's the only way to try to sleep at night .
Just hope and pray having the cyst taken out will ease the pain if only a little .
Hope your pain improves x
I am on paracetamol, ibuprofen and codeine at the moment too non of it really helping though especially at night the codeine knocks me out for a couple of hours but then i wake up exactly the same again the dr said there was nothing stronger i could have the other day which I'm not sure is correct?!
My pain before with cysts had only ever been for 3 days at most I'm on 3 weeks at the moment so I'm hoping it will settle soon whatever it is that has made it so bad this time.
Hope you appointment won't be too far away for your lap
I take ibuprofen and paracetamol during the day then co-codamol when I get back from work hen codiene before I got to bed to help me sleep. Someone recommended a heat pad that plugs in and it has been a god-send as it eases the pain a little. Best thing i ever go as I can lay on it with a hot water bottle on my abdomen. It stays on for 3 hours then turns itself off so if I drop off to sleep I don't need to worry.
Hi, I am just glad you have found the cyst and getting it removed. I had the same type of cyst and it ruptured. It was complete agony and I spent 4 days in hospital. They didn't operate to clear it out and because it was blood in my pelvic cavity it left loads of adhesions leading to on going pain and issues which I am still dealing with!! My current consultant said if I'd been admitted into her hospital they would have cleaned it out so just goes to show it all depends on where you get admitted and decisions made at the time. I'm furious now and had 3 lots of surgery since!! In terms of pain management, I have been put on amitriptaline on a night for pain and it definitely helps, may be worth exploring? Good luck, sound like you are in good hands.