30 Going 70: Being Diagnosed With Severe ... - Endometriosis UK

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30 Going 70: Being Diagnosed With Severe Endometriosis at 30

FaithMarie profile image
5 Replies

On the few months coming up to my 30th birthday, I have gone through a phase where I believed that my life will end at 30. Things weren't going as planned - 5 years of trying for a baby = no luck, going to the gym most days of the week = still getting ill too often as I think I deserve, and being a resident of the UK with savings = still can't afford a house. To make things worse, I had no immediate family in the UK, I recently moved to a new town, and changed job in the past year.

I thought I was coping well with all the changes going on in my life. Then I hit a wall when I finally accpeted that all I was doing was pretending to be ok about all the changes. Back in May, I started taking antidepressants, went to the GP to find out why I was getting ill too often and saw a gynaecologist to sort out the infertility problem.

I already knew I had endometriosis. Back in 2011, I had a surgery to remove a cyst on my left ovary. I was told I had a few spots in there and would possibly have them again in the future. Unfortunately, the scans and exams I recently had done show that the future is now.

On my birthday, I sat in the gynaecologist's office. I was thinking it was just a routine appointment that will last 5 minutes. 10 minutes if I'm lucky. I ended up staying 3 hours in the hospital, in preparation for my admission in November/December. On the same day, I had to see the endometriosis nurse to discuss with me the need to have a few Zoladex injections before my surgery, and I had to be sent to pre-operative assessment to fill out a few forms before my admission.

My partner had plans for a special dinner out for my birthday. I ended up coming home at 7 pm, crying into his arms and feeling like I'm a 30 year old girl trapped in a body that feels like 70 years old.

As depressing as all of that sounds, I've had progress since. The meds I am on and the counselling sessions are both helping me cope a bit better. I've had my first injection of Zoladex 3 days ago and have started feeling tearful and getting a few dizzy spells and migraines since yesterday. I just hope it's not a side effect that I have to deal with until I stop having Zoladex and will just cease soon.

Taking away a quote one of my patients told me recently as he was recovering in the post-anaesthetic room with me after waiting 18 months for his surgery, "today is the first day on the road to recovery!"

It's tough being a woman, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this battle.

Sending out love to all xxx

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5 Replies
Fionac1981 profile image


Keep looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. Zoladex has helped me so much, I'm On month 7 currently and yes to begin with I was crying over nothing, had mood swings, and the worst headaches but it does stop, and it has helped me do much.

Have they put you on HRT to help with side effects?

Keep strong and positive. 😁 and remember to give your partner a thank you, when the feelings stop. I took my mine out for a meal, as I was so awful to begin with. We laugh about it now 😂

Good luck

FaithMarie profile image
FaithMarie in reply to Fionac1981

Hi Fiona,

I'm just starting with the Zoladex so haven't really had the chance to discuss HRT with the gynaecologist yet. He says I'll only be on it for a few months so hopefully won't be suffering from the side effects too long. x

Prior to having the injection, I had already warned my partner and said sorry in advance for what I might say or do and told him I don't mean it if I was being mean. Haha x glad you have a supportive partner who stuck by your side at your worst. Mine has the worst yet to come but has been tolerating my mood swings for the past 5 years so hopefully fingers crossed he'll stick around a wee bit longer!

Thanks for your kind words x it does help talking to people who has been throught he same as I have. It is reassuring xx

Fionac1981 profile image
Fionac1981 in reply to FaithMarie

I'm sure it will all be fine. For me I was put straight on to the HRT at the same time as zoladex. Originally I was given a 6 month course, but it's been such a good experience overall that they extended it for another 6 months. I see my gynecologist on Tuesday to see what's next.

Its had such a big impact on me, I feel like I'm getting my life back. Me and my partner now have the confidence to arrange days out, holidays without thinking 'what if' I dredge coming off it now, but hopefully it will keep the endo dormant for a while yet.

I hope things keep improving for you x

Marcia71 profile image

Oh dear you do seem to be having a rough time of it all. Sending hugs.

Just keep talking and reading on here and hopefully it will all help.

Unfortunately everything you say sounds like endo and side effects of the condition and treatments you've started. Best of luck

FaithMarie profile image
FaithMarie in reply to Marcia71

Hi Marcia,

Hugs back xx I've only been on here for less than 24 hours and I am already finding it therapeutic talking about my condition to people who know what I'm going through.

Thanks! xx

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