Hi ladies,
Has anyone heard of this or been told you may have it? I've had "IBS" for about 9 years now with loads of bowel problems, backaches, nausea, low mood, low libido, fatigue and deep pain during sex.
I finally had a diagnostic lap last December to see if endo was causing the pain during sex but no endo was found. I had Botox in my vaginal muscles for the superficial pain which has helped, but the deep pain is still causing problems. I went back to see my specialist today who said I may have deep microscopic endo which they wouldn't have been able to see during he lap. The other thing he suggested is adenomyosis but I really don't have particularly heavy periods or bad period pains - has anyone else been diagnosed with endo/adeno without heavy periods or bad period pains?
I'm starting a three month course of Prostap next month to see if that improves my pain, and if it does then I assume they will decide I have microscopic endo or adeno, but I feel quote sceptical about it. I'm worried about the side effects of Prostap - it seems a bit extreme when I don't actually have a diagnosis.
I'm also under investigation for IBD so hopefully something will come out of it soon!