Thought I'd let you guys know how my surgery went yesterday, just in case anyone was interested!
So first surprise was that it was only Stage 1 endo, my surgeon suspected it was deep and infiltrating so bit of a shock, but I guess I nice shock. Although it does make me feel a bit bad that maybe I've been a sook recently as its only stage 1, which I know is silly as the level of pain doesn't directly relate to the stage of the disease.
Also he didn't find any endo on the utero-sacral ligament which I'm a teensy bit disappointed by as lower back pain has been one my main symptoms. I guess I'll have to see how my back is over the next few months.
He did find lots of adhesions (he thinks caused by endo). Apparently my bowel was doing a 'loop the loop' and was massively attached to my pelvic/abdominal wall. So to all the doctors who told me I had IBS over the last few years and that it was all pyschological and in my head.....well they can go f@*k themselves
Also endo adhesions all over one of my ovaries and a fibroid by my womb as well. And that was it.
It wasn't half as scary or bad as I thought it would be. The nurses were lovely, one held my hand when I went under cause I was scared of the anaesthetic But it was actually awesome. I think my last slurred words were 'this is good stuff'
This site has been awesome with advice for surgery which I have followed, took pillows with me, bottle of water, extra strong mints have been useful too. So thanks for everyone for all their advice. feeling pretty good now apart from the fact they didnt send me home with any decent drugs just ibuprofen and mild co-codamol.
Sorry for the long post, just thought it might help anyone waiting to have surgery. Its really not that bad, the worst part for me, was all the worrying before hand. Right off to make a cup of peppermint tea now. Much love everyone xx
P.S. Photo is me this morning stopping at a service station on the way home in my sexy DVT stockings