I am literally crying whilst writing this, I am at the end of my tether. I have tried EVERYTHING, yet my pain just seems to be worse. I struggle to get an appointment with my doctor, my next appointment is with the nurse on the 18th July for my last zoladex injection but I have also made an appointment for the same day with my doctor as I have developed a lump and also want to discuss the possibility of getting the mirena coil removed and to see where we go from here, since the zoladex or coil are not working at all. I had my laparoscopy a year ago, too soon for more? I am on cocodomol but it does not help when I have the total agonising can't-get-out-of-bed pain. Have been going for acupuncture, cut out some food from my diet, have tried every painkiller under the sun, heat pads, went to a psychologist (cos apparently I was depressed and it's was all in my head til I fought on to get the laparoscopy). I am at a total loss of what else to do 😔 sorry for my long speel, have to offload on here cos nobody in my close family or friends have it so find it difficult to talk to them cos they don't understand
Can't cope.....: I am literally crying... - Endometriosis UK
Can't cope.....

The only thing that works for me is oramorph, it's not a long term dolour ion but is stronger than your current medication.i am also trying the diet at mo.so hard right?? Especially when you in pain anyway.shopping and preparing to eat from a very limited selection is some days unmanageable. Soup it is then !! Healing hugs x x
I feel your pain i really do. i've lost count of the times i've cried over this condition. my gp thinks i'm a hypochondriac and sends me for countless x rays and scans some of which i probably havent needed. for years i told my gp there was something wrong with me to which i was told i was depressed and anxious and i worry too much. i had my lap in apr 2015 and endometriosis was found and they removed what they could. i didn't feel better after my lap and i'm reluctant to have another because the one symptom i had before the lap was still there afterwards which just proved in my case it wasn't effective. with regards to pain my gp seems to think paracetamol and ibruprofen will help and of course they don't help that much.
it's difficult with families because they don't understand what we go through i must admit i don't get a great deal of sympathy. i have hypothyroidism and polycystic ovaries as well and it is a struggle, i do really understand what you are going through and i can sympathise with you
When i feel unwell i switch comedy central on and watch impractical jokers, tell you what its the funniest programme ever and it certainly lifts my mood even if its only for a short while but the laughter certainly helps.
hope you feel better real soon.
It's so frustrating isn't it, I do understand that it is hard for people to sympathise as it's not a condition that you can see so unless you have it you have no idea how terrible it really is and everyone thinks you are a hypochondriac like you say 😡 mine is the same, they removed what they can and then put the coil in, after which the pain got worse, but when I asked for it to be removed they said to keep it in for a while longer, and I'm pretty certain it's contributing to the pain. I love comedy central, but friends is my fave! Lol hope you feel better soon too xxx