Does anyone ever declare their Endo when ... - Endometriosis UK

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Does anyone ever declare their Endo when applying for jobs?

JessieP profile image
11 Replies

Insomnia got me thinking - How many of you have ever declared your condition when applying for jobs or even shared later it when in employment?

I cant remember for certain if I did for this job Im in as it was 7yrs ago I applied but I seem to remember only declaring asthma.


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JessieP profile image
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11 Replies
Thegirlabouttown profile image

I haven't really thought about it... Should I let people know I have Endometriosis when applying for jobs? Maybe yes, as they would be more understanding about days when I feel a bit ill.

But will they maybe take it as a negative? "she will take lots of days off due to the pain" kinda thing

JeanOsborne profile image

I have just gone for a new job, haven't started yet as I need to give notice. I haven't mentioned it so far as I had TAH, BSO and excision in March. So hopefully my surgeon got it all. Probably will tell them as I have a follow up in August so will need to explain why I need time off.

I think it depends on how it effects you.

P.s had TAH for adenomyosis.

elisepalmer71 profile image

You would have to declare it if you were filling out an occ health questionnaire or asked directly. It is a long term condition and should be treated as such. It should not affect their decision of employment as that would be discriminatory. Sign the petition to get it recognised as s LTC. By government so they appoint a health tsar for it. X

Elwood profile image

Are you in the UK?

Our laws do not permit employers to ask you if you have a medical condition unless of course the work carries a health and safety element such as manual labor which requires you to be fit and strong etc.

I work in business, I do not under any circumstances declare my medical condition at interview, it is none of their business, if I require time off for surgery, again they do not need to know why I am having surgery just that I require surgery.

Luckily my boss is incredibly understanding and doesn't push for information, he knows I have a medical condition that is severe enough to require surgery and sometimes I need strong painkillers meaning I can't do my work (I work in a legal capacity so I can't do my work under the influence of strong medication by law).

Last year the HR boss pushed me for information as I had to amend a training contract as my surgery took me out of Uni for a while, he pushed and pushed so I sat him down and gave him the goriest description I could, I watched the colour drain from his face, I have not had any inquiries since ha ha!

Bottom line, do not give any employer reason to discriminate against you at the interview stage, they wouldn't ask you if you are trying for a family so they shouldn't ask you this! If you have time off work for a chronic medical condition you should not be treated any differently to that poor sod in corporate who has Crohn's disease!


Rebecca-4 profile image

I have always had painful periods but only got diagnosed 2 years ago just as I'd started my job. There was a period of time I was constantly sick and in pain which caused problems within work leading to me getting signed off to have the endometriosis removed. It has now come back and causing more problems. If I lose my job I always worry about applying for other jobs as obviously I will still have endometriosis 😐

JenH profile image

I did advise the company I now work for in my second interview I have Endo. I wanted to be upfront so that there were no surprises latter on. I did think long and hard about it and think it is an individual decision and there is no right or wrong but I am glad I got it out in the open early on. (Although I wouldn't have brought it up in an earlier interview)And I got the job so it didn't impact me negatively. I did only say I have a condition called endometriosis and I have had operations previously and may need another in the future.

zanyv profile image

I was asked about any illnesses long term or other at the last place I applied to.

I was due an lap in months after they expected me to be available for training so I thought it had to be mentioned I just wanted to be upfront and honest about myself. It's a very big company so I didn't think that would make a difference to them. I went through both interviews, online tests, and the other assessment centre and had previous experience but in a smaller company. Everything looked positive just waiting on a you got the job call but they turned me down and I wasn't ever told why even when I asked!

I really hope it was me that lacked something and it wasn't for declaring my health.

A lot of friends and collegues told me to not say anything and they all thought I'd get the job but I wanted to be honest and up front.

I've always worked through my pain no matter how bad it was. Collegues saw me in pain and struggling but still working and often praised me by saying how brave and strong I was. So it always pushed me to carry on.

Not getting the job was a let down and I do not think I'll ever mention it again until I get the job!

Elwood profile image
Elwood in reply to zanyv

The problem with declaring a medical condition at the interview stage is that all it will take is for the employer to interview someone who is comparable to you in terms of qualification and experience and they like just as much, the differentiating factor will be your medical condition without a shadow of a doubt, by having someone to compare you to they do not have to admit they have rejected you on the basis of your condition.

As much as I am an advocate for honesty, this is not the situation to lay your cards on the table. Once you are working for an organisation they have to take your condition seriously under the equality act, at interview however they do not.


JessieP profile image

Thanks for all your responses, appreciate it. Ive spoken to others about this topic & it widened into talking about mental health disclosures to employers also.

We all know they cant discriminate at interview or even employment stage but I think we can all think of times/examples when they have!

I have a family member who would never, ever disclose bipolar/depression despite it being well managed as the stigma is rife from their experience unfortunately.

Bluetit profile image

I tick that I have a disability and disclose it in my occupational health questionnaire but I wouldn't tell my company directly for some time as I didn't want to be discriminated against and felt as there was no issue they really didn't need to know (I was on zoladex at the time and pain free). I did tell them when I started to have sick days and sure enough they extended my probation for having 2 occasions of sickness, one lasting 1 day and another 3 days. My boss was new and didn't know me, now she knows how hard I work and I'm not pulling a fast one she sends me home if she thinks I'm in too much pain, when I triggered for a warning after surgery she wouldn't issue it even though she could have, let's me go home early if needed without asking me to work back hours and is very understanding. If I was to apply for a new job again I wouldn't tell my boss till needed

Emmiee94 profile image

If it's physically disabling you should declare it only due to the fact that if you have an operation or if your in pain at least you don't have to explain yourself to work (not that you have to anyway) xxx

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