Im not a scrounged or anything but I’ve got a baby on the way and been told I may be made redundant I’m absolutely fuming cause I’ll loose my maternity rights but I was curious after the baby born about my endo coming back I got it under control last year but I’m so scared it will get bad again after the baby I couldn’t walk when I first had it couldn’t lift or clean only when I changed my diet things changed but being pregnant I’ve been indulging in all the wrong foods and scared it will make my endo worse I can’t feel any symptoms much being pregnant but dreading when baby comes I’m going to ask them to put the coil in after I’ve had the baby
Just curious does anyone claim benefits f... - Endometriosis UK
Just curious does anyone claim benefits for endo
Speak to CAB, they can go through benefits with you.
If you can get a fit note from GP for endo no reason why you couldn’t get sick benefits.
I’m with you on not wanting to claim, only ever done it once when I had skin infection. Sometimes it’s needed and why the system is there, try not to feel bad about it.
Thing is g.p only puts you on sick so long and with endo being a long term condition not sure what to do my g.p is not that knowledgeable on the condition
What about the endo uk site, there is a leaflet/info designed for doctors. Isn’t it their duty to make sure they are aware, or am I hoping pigs will fly 🙄
After lap, although I didn’t use them, I asked for part-time fit notes and ended up with full for two months. I sort of carried on working from home.
Pigs fly lol my appointments are always on phone and I have to make out endo is something else as they don’t understand and was told cause my periods regular I can’t have it
I claimed contribution based employment support allowance which I could only get for 12 months.....currently trying to get PIP
Its not an easy process and can make you feel totally worthless going through interviews and constantly having to explain your symptoms......but sometimes there is no other choice but to ask for financial help.
You won’t lose your maternity rights. If you are made redundant etc then you can claim maternity allowance x
Thanks for that thought I would loose this
It’s a scary time pregnancy and redundancy, but you’ll just claim the allowance via HMRC and it’s quite straight forward. My sister is having to do it as she was made redundant just before my nephew was born and HMRC have been pretty quick with it all x
What do you mean you claim maternity through benefits ?it is awful but I’m trying not to worry too much what will be will be.endo was taking over my life a lot anyway so doubt I’ll keep my job and perhaps needed a change anyway x
I am in the process of trying to claim PIP. Plotments is right it is a long and horrible process but sometimes there is no other choice xx
I would NOT recommend the coil because I myself have endometriosis and had the laparoscopy surgery back in March this year. I had the coil put in after and felt very uncomfortable downstairs and had serious pelvic pain every single day. I tried everything from palates, yoga, changing my diet completely (including cutting out wheat, gluten and diary products and avoiding all meats except for fish) and using a hot water bottle daily. The exercise only gave me temporary relief.
I tried to have the coil removed but it got stuck in my cervix and had to go to the hospital but then was told the mirena coil expelled. I was then prescribed 500mg of Naproxen which thankfully has helped with the pelvic pain soo much! But now I have been bleeding for nearly two weeks now because I did not have a period for two months. I am now booked in to speak with my GP regarding this matter.
Everybody's body is different but from my experience with the marina coil was not a very good one. Therefore I would not recommend any hormonal treatment for women because it just messes with the hormones completely and takes months for the body to return to it natural state.
Good luck with everything and I hope you make the right decision.
Take care.
Thanks for advice honey but all I want is my period to stop altogether cause I bleed out my bowl i don’t want more kids after this one as it will be my fourth.I had the coil in the past and worked fine for me didn’t have endo then but I’m willing to try it again literatures state that the coil mirena is best for endo I really don’t want to go through those periods anymore I have thought about it a lot and if it Dosent work I will remove it I’m sorry you had a bad experience but coil in the past was the only thing what worked for me if it Dosent work this time I won’t take hormones but if I’m honest I’m tired of bleeding out my bum it feels embarrassing x