Hip pain : Hi, I'm making a doctors... - Endometriosis UK

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Hip pain

Jojo-burkitt profile image
38 Replies

Hi, I'm making a doctors appointment as after googling, a lot of symptoms I have with my periods sound the same as the symptoms for endometriosis, I did some weeding in my garden on Saturday and ever since I have been in excruciating pain with my hips, it is now tues evening, I'm 32 and feel 62! Would this possibly be connected to endometriosis?

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Jojo-burkitt profile image
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38 Replies
Chels profile image

Endo is hard to diagnose took my consultant 8 years by then too late for me it's everywhere. Do you have a family history ? What other symptoms do you have ?

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

Thanks for replying, I have always had heavy periods since they started by have been on the pill most of the time since then, I have been off it for about 2 years and have been getting period pain in strange places for quite a while now, shooting stabbing pain in the bum and this time just above my hip which made me unable to sit on the floor with the children at work etc. This was last week. I also had an upset stomach the day before my period, I break out in spots which I don't know if it's connected. My hips are so painful today, I was unable to sit in the chairs st my sons opticians appointments, hobbled around the supermarket and just about managed to drive home! I don't have family history of endometriosis that I know of but most women in my family have suffered with bad periods and miscarriages

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

See doctors easily miss stuff for example I have a family history and it still took them years. My advice go the doctors and don't take no for an answer the mirena coil is a good one to start with not the best feeling for the first week or so but you will soon know as this is used for most endo sufferers. You sound exactly how I did at first the pain in your hips and stomach. The sad part is there is no cure it's a long journey tablets injections and surgery I'm on my second lot of surgery they diagnosed so late that I'm stage 4 and it's in my bowels etc :( so I have pro stap etc to put me in the menopause.

This sounds terrible but if your really worried to make them push for it say you have a family history of endo least then you can try get a scan if it comes back clear push for an mri my scan was clear however my mri lit up like a Christmas tree cysts and growths all over. Don't give up catching it early is key

Chels profile image

Also don't let them tell you it's normal that's a load of crap periods shouldn't cause as much pain as you are describing

Jojo-burkitt profile image

Thanks for your advice, it sounds like you've had a horrible time, it sounds rather scary! I'm hoping they don't just fob me off. I was thinking that they will probably just put me back on the pill but I am so rubbish at getting my prescription renewed on time that's why I stopped taking it

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

What pill were you on ? Would you not have the coil ? It's ok just want to help other women wish someone would of told me to push for it instead of suffering in silence. Lol easily forgotten I'm the same just finding time to get then and ringing the doctors is a nightmare lol honestly tho hun you really need to lay it on thick and make sure they at least investigate because I hate to say it but if you have got it it gets worse and then you end up trying this and that. Because we are all different we all respond to different tablets differently so it becomes trial and error with all the nasty side effects if your body decides it doesn't like the pills etc

Jojo-burkitt profile image

I was always on microgynon but it started giving me migraines so had to come off it and went on cerrazette I think it's called! Ive never really liked the thought of the coil but if it stops this then I'll have to give it a go! I will tell them that the pain can't be normal as it's had me in tears today and been affecting me at work etc

Tboag profile image

Make sure you tell your gp everything you can think of even if you don't know whether it's connected or not, have a look on line at the bsge list, and ask to be referred to o e of the centres.

Good luck

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toTboag

Thanks for your advice, my doctors are normally good for getting appointment on the same day so I will hopefully get in tomorrow, I'll report back what they say! If I'm not happy with what they say then I will request to see the one doctor who I know never fobs you off or rushes you out of the door, surprise, surprise there's always a wait to see him though!

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

Hope all goes well :) I'm seeking advice myself on here amen to this site . Worth a shot trying the coil however like I said trial and error what works for you. I'm trying to still find my balance although coil did help for a good while had no issues for at least 18 months until now :)

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

That's another thing I wasn't sure on, I've read that the pill masks your symptoms so if I was put back on that or told to have the coil, would that just make the symptoms go away and that would be the end of it until I came off it again in the future or would it only be a temporary fix?

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

Mine seemed to make them settle however when it did come back after 18months the first tine my consultant said only way to find out now is surgery and she found it.

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

Ok, thanks, hopefully I'll find some answers tomorrow, not holding out much hope after reading about how long it's taken other people. I'm currently trying to get comfortable with a hot water bottle.

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

Long process lol me to just took my night tablets got the fan on and a hot water bottle feel like I'm in my 80s 😂😂

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

My mother in law thought I was crazy when she came round my house last week and saw the hot water bottle on my sofa, I then had to explain why I was using a hot water bottle this time of year lol. I'm just glad I have the week off work!

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

We all the same I wear leggings under my work stuff so I can took it in to soothe the pain the customers think I'm a fruit loop but until you been there they won't understand our logic lmao x

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

I'm a year one teaching assistant and I'm supposed to be on the floor a lot with the children, that would have been impossible the last few days lol

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

Defo sounds like endo to me do you get the back pain and the sharp shooting pain around your ovaries. A long with bleeding over 7 days or more regular so 2 cycles in like 4 weeks ? The more you explain more it sounds like that. Shame u don't work with nursery kids you could have a nap mid afternoon 😉 lmao I had to shorten my hours so I can go home and sleep after taking tramadol

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

I have had lower back pain since having my little girl but the doctors never give me any help for it, I don't get pain in the ovaries, my periods are every 3 weeks and last 7 days. God a nap during the day would be so good! My class are so hyper I come home exhausted lol.

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

My ovaries use to swell :-/ but the more frequent periods and pain is a big indicator well was for me. I use to work with children I feel your pain they have so much energy :)

Jojo-burkitt profile image

No it only been painful on the odd occasion, not recently and while I was on the cerrazette pill I had some bleeding after

ktsb profile image

These sound exactly the same as my symptoms over the last couple of years, (after having son). They got worse and worse esp hip pain, shooting pains and bowel symptoms over time. I had back pain that I was told was back problem for years. Get to the GP and then research where your nearest gynae specialist hospital is (lots of people on here find the list) find a consultant at one of those places with endo specialist after their name and wait for an appointment.

Even if it's not endo it's better to find out sooner, and if it is the sooner you get it treated the better. My local hospital the staff were lovely but clueless about endo and a non specialist was happy to give me a lap but never would have found and treated it where it was.

Hip and lower back pain is so painful, I felt like an old woman! Oh and I never had pain during sex so one consultant ruled out endo based on that response, it's different for everyone. Don't give up getting a clear diagnosis from a specialist.

Hope this helps x

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toktsb

Thank you, I have doctors at 10:40, really hoping they don't fob me off by saying something like oh it's unfortunate you get bad periods! Surely it's not normal for a 31 year old (32 tomorrow lol) to be in excruciating pain in the hips 4 days after doing a bit of weeding in the garden! What with all my other symptoms as well!


I also found this and I have loads on here! X

ktsb profile image

Oooh. Just looked, Lindle (who responded above) had info about specialist centre and her pages are really helpful reading. (Thanks Lindle☺!)

Jojo-burkitt profile image

So it's good news, the doctor was great, he didn't fob me off! I was rather emotional though whilst describing my symptoms as I was in a lot of pain from sitting on the waiting room chair. He obviously couldn't diagnose me with anything but he has referred me for a scan and said he will see me 2 weeks after that and then refer me to a gynaecologist, he also gave me pills for the pain. I'm so relieved I wasn't just brushed off!

KSvedenmacher profile image
KSvedenmacher in reply toJojo-burkitt

Our posts just crossed. Glad to hear he didn't fob you off. The scan may not show anything, don't let that discourage you. Endometriosis can only really be diagnosed by laparoscopy, so if the scan shows nothing, make sure he still refers you. And try to find a BSGE clinic nearby and bring their information to the appointment so you can be referred to them.

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toJojo-burkitt

Thank you, I'm so relieved he's starting to investigate and at least he did say he would refer me to a gynaecologist after my scan. I can't believe I was fighting back tears explaining my pain! X

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

Glad your being investigated jojo let's hope they can find the issue :) x

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

Thank you :) I know it might still take a while but I'm just glad he didn't just say something like oh let's just put you back on the pill. I feel bad because the kids are off school and I haven't been able to take them anywhere :( X

Chels profile image
Chels in reply toJojo-burkitt

That's the one thing that really must crush you see I have no children so I can just lie here on the sofa. Would really get me down if I couldn't interact. What pain killers have you got xx

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toChels

He's given me mefenemic acid, I've sent my eldest 2 to the shop for some goodies to have whilst watching a film, luckily they are happy with that at the moment, hopefully the pills will kick in so we can do something before the holidays are over.

KSvedenmacher profile image

How did your appointment go? Your symptoms sound very similar to mine, I have always suffered with very bad periods and lower back pain, shooting pains down my leg and the stabbing pain which makes sitting difficult. My endometriosis wasn't found until 16 years after the pain started, I had stage 3 or 4 endo (I never know what the stages are). Don't let them fob you off, get an appointment with a BSGE centre and have a laparoscopy done. I myself never liked the idea of the coil and had several doctors advice me against it, but it is your own choice. I have been on the pill for years and all it does is mask the symptoms. For me it is now to the point that I am having a hysterectomy and excision at a BSGE, just waiting for an appointment.

I hope your GP listens to you and refers you further, you want to at least rule out endo and not be in pain anymore. Doctors like patients to just go away and not moan, but you have a right to proper care. Let us know how it went...

Flower58 profile image

I'm in the process of diagnosing endo and let me tell you, the pain I get in my hips, especially on my period, is unbearable. It's like someone had ripped them off and left them hanging by the smallest amount of tissue. I keep getting told that "it's all normal" but clearly is not. Go see the doctor and ask to see a gynaecologist. I will warn you however, endo is a very difficult disorder to diagnose (been back and forth to doctors and specialist for 6 years and still haven't had a diagnosis) and it's very hard to find a doctor who will take your symptoms seriously. If you honestly think it may be endo keep pushing for a laparoscopy, many make the mistake of believing the doctors when they say it's nothing serious. Last gyno I saw told me she won't do surgery because "I'm too young". I may be 15 but that dosent mean I have to live my life in agony simply because the doctor dosent want to perform surgery on a kid. Good luck and best wishes x

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toFlower58

Thank you, I just wish I could find a comfortable position, it hurts to sit it hurts to stand. I'm just feeling lucky that the doctor referred me for a scan at my appointment today after hearing how long it has taken other people to get doctors to listen to them, I really thought he would just tell me to go back on the pill. I will see what happens after that and go from there X

Flower58 profile image
Flower58 in reply toJojo-burkitt

Good idea. Just always remember your not alone and many other girls are suffering the same symptoms. The endo community are by far the most supportive people I have come across so feel free to vent any time on here. Endo is a tough journey but if anything it turns you into a warrior. Again, I wish the best of luck to you and hope the doctors work quickly to help you x

Jojo-burkitt profile image

So today i called the doctors again as the mefenamic acid got rid of my hip pain but I still have pain above the hip front and back and down my bum into the top of my leg, I've been given solpadol, hopefully they will work!

Rharvey profile image

Oh my goodness, I am so glad I came across this post. I suffer with similar symptoms, one of which being the excruciating hip pain - the only way I can describe it is like someone putting a screwdriver into my joint and moving it around vigorously! Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I've always suffered from heavy periods and have been going back and forth the doctors for 2 years. I had a transvaginal scan last year which flagged up a small fibroid. The doctors reckon my hip pain that I experience is referred pain from my fibroid and they also said that my right ovary feels very tender when examining my abdomen.

I am currently awaiting a laparoscopy to see if I have endometriosis. So don't give up and I'm really glad that your doctor is doing something about it. I honestly thought that I was being a drama queen at one point.

Sending massive hugs and I hope you start to get some answers soon xx

Jojo-burkitt profile image
Jojo-burkitt in reply toRharvey

Thank you, I've always had heavy, long periods and for about a year I've been getting period pain as a sharp shooting pain in my bottom, this was the first month I had it above the hip and then a week later I had the terrible hip pain that's has had me laid up all week, that went and then I was left with sciatic pain. I hope you're not waiting too long for your appointment. X

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