Does anyone else get painful hips. Not sure if it's a sympton of endometriosis. My hips are so painful I'm struggling to walk and it's really bad when I'm driving.
Hip and groin pain: Does anyone else get... - Endometriosis UK
Hip and groin pain

Is it in the muscles? X
It feels more in the joint.The doctor is sending me for an X-ray to make sure it isn't arthritis but says it quite unlikely as I am only 30 and I have good flexibility in the joint. He's not sure if it could be a sympton of endometriosis so was wondering if anyone else had experienced it
Yes I suffer with hip pain and have struggled to walk. I don't know if it's related to endo but I think it could be!
Thanks for your reply nice to no I'm not the only one
Hi, I get the same in my hip and what feel like deep in my pelvis, I don't know 100% if i have endo yet as I have my first lap in 2 weeks but my doctor said that it's more than likely endo that is causing it, as I've had every other test for everything else and nothing else has shown up
yes, I did before I had surgery to remove my left ovary (and the 6cm endometrioma on it - one too many for my poor ovary hence the removal) in April. Now I don't. I'm glad I didn't see an osteopath before the surgery.
Mine feels just like that. Will have to wait and see if it stops when I have my next lap
Yes, exactly that. Have a look at sciatic endometriosis which can cause this. DM
I get this and sometimes they feel like they're on fire.
Hi, I have this. Often I can't walk and sometimes my joints cease so there is no pain but I can't move my legs or they are stiff. I often have sleepless nights due to hip pains and shooting pains down my legs. Consultant suspected endo affecting sciatic nerve and stiffening of the sacral ligaments. Have just had second lap and hoping this will all stop once healed. But talk to your consultant about this pain. The more information they have yhr better the diagnosis. Good luck.
It was the hip and groin pain which lead to me having a laparoscopy and being diagnosed with endometriosis...before the lap and diagnosis I kept saying to the Drs its not gynae its my hip...but yeh it is gynae x
Yes, I get this, feels like it's in the hip joint, I also get it in the sciatic nerve on my right buttock. Ouchy. It stops me in my tracks sometimes to. I had a laparoscapy and they removed Endo and these symptoms disappeared for some time but are now coming back again (oh joy!) Hope you get it sorted. Good luck!