I've had urgent appointment sent through for next Thursday, 2nd June, and I have my pre-admission checks this Friday. I'm wondering what sort of questions I could be asking in addition to:
1) I would like pre-anaesthesia medication shortly after admission, to relax me
2) will you be using a rigid or flexible scope
3) how will you assess and manage my pain level post-operatively?
4) what analgesia choices will I have post-operatively?
5) what is the projected recovery time?
6) will it be documented how much pushing / pulling / stretching internally was necessary and how this is likely to impact on pain levels and pain management needs?
7) will I be staying in hospital overnight?
8) will I be catheterised? when? for how long?
9) can I commence laxative medication now in preparation for the very painful effects of severe opioid constipation?
Can anybody think of anything else? Thank you lovelies x x Helen