Hi, I have just joined this forum after speaking to Louise on the Endo UK Support Line earlier today. she was extremely helpful and gave me the courage to come on here and post my many questions.
I was first diagnosed with Endo in 2000 after laparoscopy number 1. After many hormone treatments I had laparoscopy number 2 in 2006. I was told "it's a mess inside!" and to try and have children as quickly as possible, as the next step would be hysterectomy!
I have been incredibly lucky to conceive naturally with my 2 children. Now my youngest is 5 years old the Endo is back. After a year of suffering with extremely heavy bleeding, worsening severity of pain, cycle related migraines, fatigue etc etc I finally went to see my GP before Christmas.
I am now booked for surgery on 16th June. I have been given the option of laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and endometrial ablation OR hysterectomy (leaving my ovaries ). I am booked in at a private hospital, as I used my right to extended choice (my local hospital has really long gynae wait times). I didn't want to have surgery and feel like I am on a conveyor belt of patients where the consultants are cutting or burning bits out just for case closure. I feel very confused and overwhelmed about what to do.
Until having a look on here I had never heard of BSGE, now I'm worried I'm not at a specialist centre or have a truly endo focused consultant. I know my endo was previously stage 3 or 4 and there was some degree of separation done between my bowel and bladder. I also have a retroverted uterus (I don't know for sure if this is due to endo), so am concerned about outcomes of surgery if I'm not at a specialist BSGE centre.
I don't know what to do from here so any suggestions/recommendations would be welcome as I only have 7 weeks to go until the proposed op day.