I had a lap investigation in october. the surgeon told me post op that she couldn’t remove any endo and she suggested GNRH injections. I had my follow up appointment with the consultant yesterday who thought that the surgeon had removed the endo, when i told her they hadn’t she said i needed a 2nd op to remove the endo that was removable but not all of it was. I’ll have to have the GNRH in lead up to the op to calm the endo down for the op.
My question is how do you find out whether the severity of your endo meets the threshold for a BSGE centre to do the op? The lap surgeon told me pre op she wasn’t an endo specialist and I may need to go to the nearest BSGE centre for removal of endo but the consultant yesterday didn’t mention it. I’ve attached my surgery notes just in case anyway can tell me if that indicates the severity!