I'm on my third different HRT after having a full hysterectomy 18 months ago at the age of 41, nothing seems to be agreeing with me and my endo flare ups are just as bad, I was wandering what would happen if I came off the HRT altogether as am I not delaying my body doing what it should be doing naturally???? Any advice appreciated??xx
HRT???: I'm on my third different HRT after... - Endometriosis UK

Hi I'm actually wondering why you've been put on hrt after your hysterectomy? Your doc should know that any spores left behind would grow with hrt use, I had Tah in 2014 I'm still not on hrt as I've come to terms with the hot flushes which are few now, I felt kinda wrecked for a while but all signs of the dreaded endo have gone but it's wrong you've suffered the opp and still have endo your doc should have told you to wait a year at least to ensure the endo not rearing it's ugly head again. Maybe coming off now would be your answer Good luck to you keep strong x
I'm in a similar situation - 15 months post hysterectomy and BSO and experiencing similar pre surgery pain. I was referred back to my gynae consultant who has changed my hrt to a combined patch and I'm waiting for a lap in the next few weeks to check what's going on - is it endo or adhesions sticking things together? He said I could try being free of HRT but we decided to determine that it was the endo back first.
Frustrating on one level but I remember how much worse it was pre hysterectomy - trying to see this as a temporary blip!
Good luck
You need to be on combined hrt oestrogen only will cause reflare. Also it is very important that you check if all endo was removed at the time of your hyst by excision not lasered. It is ok to use hrt but as i said it needs to be combinedband excision for best results
medical opinions seem to differ on this. My gynae is an accredited endo surgeon and he's happy for me to be on oestrogen only HRT. I'd be interested to hear Lindle's opinion.
Should have said I've had excision prior to hysterectomy, not aware of any flare up with HRT, only been on it for 6 weeks and makes me incredibly fatigued, more than ever
Hi I'm also in a similar situation. I had a hysterectomy in 2012 at the age of 41. I was put straight on Tibilone by my consultant as it was a synthetic HRT that wouldn't add more oestrogen. Then 2 years ago I started to get reoccurring thrush and felt very low so went and had blood test ( I also have an under active thyroid) this showed very low oestrogen levels so I was was put on pessaries twice a day for a month, this still didn't do anything apart from get some ends pain returning.
I work 12 hours shifts for an emergency service so I need to be on top of my game all of the time.
My doctor suggested I try estelle solo which I started in August last year but then the itching started! I've now been of all forms of HRT for 3 weeks, I actually feel great apart from the odd hot flush. My head feels less foggy and no more ends twinges! I have got myself some starflower oil, macca root and looking to get some Menopace max. My dr wants me to go back for another blood test in a month as is concerned that I maybe at risk of osteoporosis and othe problems if I stop taking at 45 but I want to try the natural route.
I am very confused and just want to healthy 😍
Should read Estelle solo not all forms.
Hi Amanda, i had a full hysterectomy at the age of 28 and i am now 38. I couldn't get hrt to agree with me either & was scared of endo returning if i took it. I have not had hrt for 9 yrs now & have had no ill effect from it. The doctors do not seem bothered about but i do have to have the odd bone scan from time to time. I have not had endo symptoms until recently so maybe not taking hrt will dull your endo symptoms. Hope the info helps x
Hi I had a hysterectomy at 39 Jan 15 but left ovaries in. I was in agony so went in for second operation to remove ovaries Oct 15 and was put on hrt. I had similar issues and they ended up increasing my dosage. I've just been informed that my Endometriosis is still there and I asked if I could come of hrt as its feeding the endometriosis and was also told no. Very frustrating. I'm going back to see my consultant but have been advised that I should get a second opinion. Its very confusing being told different things. Hope you get the answers you need soon
Hi Amanda. Please listen to Lindle as she really does know what she is talking about. If you follow her advise you could be pain free and start to enjoy life again.
I'm also in the same boat I had total hyst in Nov 15. I've now been off work for 7 months. The endo Pain/ flare ups started again when I started with hrt again!! I'm just now waiting for a laparoscopy to see what's going on. I got a referral to a specialist endo clinic as my dr told me there was nothing more they could do and referred me to pain clinic, but I'm not quite ready to give up and accept this just yet!! My advice would be (if u haven't already) is get to a specialist endo clinic/hospital, many Drs have no idea, I've had to do my own research and push for the treatment I want & need. Hope all goes well for you
I've been taking Elleste Solo 2mg daily. I used to take Livial, but it made me angry and aggressive!
The Elleste seems to work ok for me.
Best wishes.
Hi....I had a TAH with both ovaries when I was 34yrs old & I am now 44yrs old. I commenced on HRT instantly,mine is called Sandrena Gel,it is a tiny rectangular foil & you rip it open & it's a gel which you massage into your alternative hips daily,I did have patches originally but due to the flushes they fell off all the time. I have been great on the HRT & over a yr ago I thought I would stop taking it & see if my menopause has ceased......OMG no way,within wks I were feeling fatigue,moods swings & my flushes were horrific,so I went back on the HRT. They recommend HRT in younger women that have had TAH because of early brittle bones & breast cancer (this is what my gp told me) I have been pain free but these past few wks I have been having severe throbbing pains just below my belly button but above my pubic bone,it is awful & I feel my insides are going to fall out my vagina literally. Has anyone else experienced this & should I go back to my GP because it can be the Endo returning altho a specialist told me once you have had a TAH with ovaries their is no where else for Endo to grow!!! I have some bleeding intermittently after I had a wee & went for a Cystoscopy is it called when they up through the vagina whilst asleep & they found very small amount of Endo in my bladder,could it be that the Endo is worsening because I am not having any bleeding now I am just having the pain,feels like a period pain if you know what I mean? Any suggestions anyone would really help me. Thanks xxx
I've been through similar, had a hysterectomy last year and reoccuring endometriosis was found. I was put on hrt but the wrong once that fed the condition. I've tried a few and hasn't helped so I spoke to Dr and consultant and no longer take them. I'm 39 . I so get the hot flashes but was still getting them on the hrt. Hope you either find one that suits you or are able to come of them without too many problems
I find your posts very informative both for current issues and direction for the future.
Im in australia,41 and just had my first lap,diagnosis of endo was somewhat of a shock i can tell you.went in for something else and found that.
I was smart enough to insist they keep the uterus at this stage.
So the race against time begins.
Ive decided to continue with laps for as long as i can to get as close to 45 as i can before i then look at partial hysto.
I am thankful my journey has commenced late in life and i may retain the ovaries until menopause.
My question is i am dead set against birth control at this stage of life.i just cant see any benefit as it has estro the same as my own cycle.
What is your opinion of staying on your natural cycle after excision lap?
Im the sort of person that wld rather know where the pain is coming from and not have it masked by the pills and all its side affects?