First Laparoscopy In a Week: Hi I’m having... - Endometriosis UK

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First Laparoscopy In a Week

KirstieX13 profile image
14 Replies

Hi I’m having my first Laparoscopy for a diagnosis of endometriosis. And the closer it gets I’m getting more nervous but at the same time it can’t come quick enough so then they can find out if I have it or not. And what to do and go from there. But just have so many questions flying through my head.

What if I don’t have it ?

Why am I in all this pain ?

What if I have it what steps do I need to take to help with the pains ?

What stage is it if I have it ?

Will I ever be able to have a baby ?

What if I take longer then two weeks to recover ?

What if something goes wrong ?

What are the likelihood of me having to spend the night in the hospital ?

Sorry for the ramble and the moan ...

hope we are all having a nice Wednesday x

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KirstieX13 profile image
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14 Replies
danijonez profile image

I know how you feel i had mine two weeks ago now

They did not find endo but they did find what was causing me pain, but i do still believe i have endo because some things just seem unexplainable. I had my left ovary being pulled and stuck on my abdominal wall which they fixed and then just had a look around so I was pretty much okay a week after surgery but it depends on how extensive your surgery is. They also found pelvic congestion which i dont know much about but my veins in my pelvic area are enlarged or something which is causing all my pain. I did have to stay in the hospital overnight because my heart rate was high when the day ward was closing, and i really wanted to go home, but i think it was better staying in hospital because them first 48 hours i was useless i couldnt get my self in or out of bed, needed help going to the bathroom etc

I know its hard to not be nervous i was all over the place which ended in me crying infront of the entire surgery team which was embarrassing, i wish i put something in plan with my anxiety like breathing exercises xx

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to danijonez

Thank you ! How are you recovering? X

danijonez profile image
danijonez in reply to KirstieX13

I’m feeling fine now I get the odd twinge where they did work, still can’t lift heavy things as have to take it easy for a while, I’m still in pain as they didn’t fix me which sucks but I got to wait till my post op appointment where something will be put into plan. My first stitch fell out today where the incision was on my abdomen which I’m so glad about because it was starting to irritate me, I think the belly button ones will take a while longer.

Just a tip, I bought a few packs of heat pads from pound world which helped sooo much as well as a hot water bottle but it doesn’t have the weight on it so you can stick it on your clothes I used these when I started going out to the shops and stuff as well. I also got a basket and put all my essential stuff in and snacks and meds for my bedside table as I was stuck in bed for a couple days, helps not having to get up as much and relying on people and you don’t have to move much to get things out as I just got comfy in one position and stayed there for hours x

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to danijonez

Fair enough... my mum and boyfriend have both said they’ll help me and get stuff for me because I’m the time of person who doesn’t really like things being done for her when used to do it all for yourself.. I’ve got a couple of them got them in Poundland and use them when I’m in pain at work

emcoll profile image

Hey it's perfectly normal to be nervous! I was 17 when I had mine and the amount of thoughts I had going through my head were crazy! I'm almost a year post lap now!

In regards to your questions, these are perfectly normal.

1- Obviously I don't know your story and how long you've been suffering, but I know in my case they used a laparoscopy because they were almost certain I'd got it - so chances are this could be the same but I'm no doctor! 2 - If you're getting stressed over this, it could be contributing to the pain. I know my pain can get worse with stress, but most of the time it is the endo causing it. 3 - As I'm sure you know, if they find the endo they get rid of it there and then. With mine they burned it off with a little laser. You do get pain from this, I won't lie. But this will subside. Your body is so confused at what's just happened that you kinda tense up. You don't want to move, well I know I didn't. I got home, snuggled up on the sofa with my partner, a hot water bottle and just slept the rest of the day. I find that curling up into a ball helps, hot water bottles - or if you can't stand weight on your tummy, before you get into bed at night, put the hot water bottle on your sheets, and try and curl up around that point when you do go to bed.

With regards to the other questions, you'll be told all this. I'm 18 and been told that although my chances are slimmer than a normal girl, I'll still be able to have kids. Even if you're struggling, you'll be able to get help through a clinic. Also, I didn't have to spend the night in hospital, it tends to be you go in, they do all the checks before, you get called in, they do everything, you wake up and they check everything's okay (they'll make sure you can have a wee, this hurt for me).

One thing to bear in mind is that this op can cause you to have a period - I didn't know this and it scared me, but don't panic if it does, it's completely normal!

Sorry for the really long reply - I just want to make sure you feel okay! If you need anything else, feel free to message me!!

Em :)

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to emcoll

Thank you! My doctor believes I have it because for the last two years I’d be going to the doctor about this pain and the hospital for different tests and scans and all that jaz. So he was like it must be this then. I love a hot water bottle they are literally my best friend when I’m in dying pain along with a good snuggle with the partner. It’s okay x

emcoll profile image
emcoll in reply to KirstieX13

Sounds like it could be then. I've been suffering for since I was just turned 11, so understand where you're coming from. Hope it all goes well for you!! x

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to emcoll

I’ve always had terrible periods from being painful to heavy from the day I started. And was going to the doctors for different meds for that as well but only started getting so much worse in the space of 2 years. Thank you x

Blob123 profile image

Hi. Im 28 and i have been diagnosed for 2 years with stage 4 endometriosis. You are doing the right thing by getting tips from others who like me suffer with endometriosis. I would love to tell you my journey has been smooth but sadly this condition will control your life in more ways than you realise. I didnt have a good experience with surgery. I wont go into details as i dont want to scare you but after the surgery apart from anger and pain at the time once i started feeling better it was the first time in years i was pain free. I opted to have the mirena coil fitted during my surgery so i didnt feel it being put there and it was one of the best decisions i made. I havent had periods for 2 years!! My symptoms have improved since having 6 months of zoladex injections and my body has reacted well to treatment. But there is only so much they are willing to try as i have not yet had children.

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to Blob123

I had that put in about 3 years ago ended up getting it taken up months later my pain was horrible was still bleeding and my body just full round hated it and rejected it. I’m trying to get tips and advice and everything because I’m at the point where I don’t know what to do or expect or think... xx

Blob123 profile image
Blob123 in reply to KirstieX13

I hope you find treatment that works for you. I have my second lap in a couple of weeks so i understand the anxiety. I hope they use the same entrance points as last time on me. The scars are very small and sit just below my bikini line so dont bother me at all. I had to stay in hospital for 3 days as i had complications but others are in and out in hours. You will be constipated for a couple of days so make sure you drink plenty of water. Take lip balm with you to hospital as my mouth was really dry from theatre. Take a night dress/ nighty as well as pjs as i didnt want to wear trousers after the op because my tummy was a little tender. But you will be fine xx good luck.

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to Blob123

Thank you and good luck with yours xx

Hansen82 profile image

Take throat sweets too, comfortable loose knickers and trousers for coming home.

I was surprised at how I was afterwards, in a good way. I am the type of person who is active as possible, but I made sure I had lots of books and really relaxed afterwards. I found I slept lots in the two weeks afterwards.

See if you can do phased return to work, as building back up to a full day really helped my recovery.

Just be patient with yourself, things will take time to heal

Good luck

KirstieX13 profile image
KirstieX13 in reply to Hansen82

Thank you x

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