Hi I posted last week about been on waiting list for hysterectomy. I have suffered for many years since I was a teenager with depression. I have been reading up about hysterectomy and it says it can affect you emotionally. I am worried because of already having depression and anxiety about coping emotionally after the op
Hysterectomy and depression : Hi I posted... - Endometriosis UK
Hysterectomy and depression

it will effect you emotionally due to being thrown into menopause but depending on age you should be put on combined hrt oestrogen and progesterone it can take a time to balance but I am in a much better place emotionally since hysterectomy and hrt it’s been a life saver as I previously suffered with pmdd and terrible hormones but now I’m stable on hrt I am so much happier and calmer so you might actually find it helps you.
Are you on any contraceptive medication at the moment? Some people find that the progesterone only meds can make them depressed or if you are on Zoladex/similar without hrt then that would massively effect you emotionally but don’t be scared or the hysterectomy as it has been the best thing I’ve ever done for my hormones and emotions xx
Hi thank you for your reply. I'm 37,I'm taking cerazette at the moment. Its great to hear that you are doing well after your hysterectomy x
yeah that’s a progesterone only pill which I know they recommend for endo but it is awful for your hormones and emotions I couldn’t cope on it and it made me emotionally all over the place but the hysterectomy and combined hrt is soooooo much better it will really help you hopefully 🙏🏻 xx
Fingers crossed it does. My emotions have been up and down for as long as I can remember x
that’s exactly how I was it’s horrible but after the hysterectomy you no longer get the fluctuations you can stabilise just need to get the hrt dose and type right whifh takes a bit of time but be patient it does work as I was honestly suicidal and now I’m happy but it took about 4months to get it right so be prepared but it will get better I promise xx
I will definitely stick with it and look for that light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you
I’m always here too and happy to help as it’s a big thing to go through and not everyone gets the emotional side but I do understand so you can message me anytime if you have any questions or just feel low. Keep going it will be better and you will be happy again it just takes time big hugs and good luck xx
In a strange way I'm so glad to hear someone else say they felt suicidal and in a dark place with having endo .. I'm in that place now and on the waiting list for a hysterectomy but they won't do it untill I'm "more mentally stable " but hearing how someone feels after then thoughts and having a hysterectomy helps a little .. cuz I'm so scared of the op and how I'm going to feel after . Glad u are doing well x
I can’t believe that they have said that to you that’s awful I am shocked you poor thing that must of made you feel even worse. However doctors can be cold and don’t understand at all how it effects us emotionally as most gynaecologists seem to be men as well. I luckily had a good one that understood my pmdd and was very good with me which helps. I was honestly a total mess before I had my hysterectomy I really was suicidal my anxiety was so bad I used to get stressed and worried about everything to the point I would be shaking opening my post. I would have panic attacks and cry and scream and fall apart for nearly 3 weeks of every month it was living hell.
Now I am honestly a different person you wouldn’t even know that was me before now I have my hormones settled I’m happy and don’t have panic attacks and I’ve had to deal with a lot of stress in many aspects of my life but the best part is I have genuinely felt happiness. It did take a few months to stabilise and I was very scared I would be stuck anxious and in my pmdd state but when it did stabilise it was like the dark clouds lifted and I was a normal person again emotionally speaking. I really hope this gives you some comfort as I really was close to suicide many times, I couldn’t cope with the anxiety but I’m so glad I had the hysterectomy it’s the best surgery I’ve ever had.
I have a lot of other health conditions and I’m very weak physically so the physical recovery took about 3 months I had laparoscopic surgery for my ovaries, tubes and cervix then vaginally for my uterus. I would say after about 2 months I did start to feel hormonally better but I would say 4 months for it to stabilise. Also don’t always listen when doctors say it takes 3 months to know if a certain hrt is right I could tell in about 3 weeks I know every one is different but that’s just my advice if you don’t feel right don’t wait around find someone to talk to about adjusting your hrt. Some people need higher oestrogen and especially due to your age make sure you get a high dose as it will really help you xx
I hope this helps gives you some comfort moving forward. Maybe ask your doctors if you can start transitioning to actual hrt before your surgery this will really help get you stable as tibilone is nothing like actual hrt and they should move you to hrt before surgery so it’s less of a shock to the system xx
I will let you know but my combination is not advised because I actually still take my old contraceptive pill femodette along with Lenzetto oestrogen x3 sprays daily. I have to take the femodette due to needing progesterone with history of endometriosis and with my previous pmdd I couldn’t tolerate any other progesterone except the Gestodene that’s in femodette.
I was initially just put on the 3 sprays which didn’t help me mentally then I tried patches but I didn’t get on with those and went back to the spray but added my femodette and it worked like a dream I feel much more balanced and happy it’s a good mix for me but everyone is different with hormones so it is a tricky one especially the progesterone for some however without progesterone I couldn’t sleep and had awful insomnia but with it I’m much more balanced. I do have a high dose of oestrogen due to being 36 and having osteoporosis as well plus my history of pmdd.
I hope that helps but it is really trial and error with hrt some are lucky and get a balance quickly but for me it did take a little bit of time. I would advise using the Zoladex prior and getting your hrt balance right using the Zoladex to get an idea what it will be like post hysterectomy……I didn’t do this due to my osteoporosis and it was a shock to my system going from full hormones to zero.
Any questions jusy let me know I’m happy to help as I know how horrible and hard it is with hormones as my pmdd really made my life impossible but it is much better now I finally have the balance right although all the doctors don’t like me taking the femodette i can’t cope without it but it comes with the risks but I said if I hadn’t had the hysterectomy I would still be taking it so it’s not a risk in my eyes xx
It’s definitely a good idea to do the Zoladex and try the different hrt before that way you can go into the hysterectomy in a better frame of mind and have your hormones more balanced. There is a lot of types of progesterone some people get on well with the combined patches as they use oestrogen and progesterone but again you have to check all the different progesterone options that you haven’t tried yet. A good one they recommend qs it’s a bioidentical progesterone like the one the body produces naturally Utrogestan have a google about those as they could be a good option for you wnd one you won’t of tried as it’s only used as hrt.
It really can work out don’t let doctors fob you off with antidepressants because they won’t help when it’s hormones getting those balanced is what’s important some women also need testosterone but we are all different so it will take time but hormones wise I’m honestly a different person I cope with life much better and im so much calmer and happier so it’s painful to get through the hard times but definitely worth it in the end plus we are all always here when advice or just someone to listen so never feel alone just shout and the help will be there xx
no worries I’m always happy to help so if you ever need me I’m only a message away and will always totally understand regarding hormones so any questions I’m here. I had to go through it alone so I don’t want anyone else to have to suffer and feel lost like I did as doctors can only do so much when it comes to hormones only we know how we truly feel. Big hugs and good luck xx
I just remembered I was told by my gynaecologist it might be helpful to spread the sprays out through the day ie x2 morning x1 afternoon I did try this for a while but I found it better to get it all in me from the morning and then I could be balanced throughout the day plus try not to have your oestrogen element of hrt late in the day because I found it stopped me from sleeping when I had it later in the day so it worked for me to take all my hrt as soon as I get up xx hope that helps I know we are all different but it’s good to know others experiences
Hi, how u feeling today .. I'm very similar to you with how I feel about the hole situation on how I'm going to feel after myn .. I'm currently on prostap injections every 4 weeks and have just had my 3rd waiting to see my consultant on the 14th of August for my pre op for a full hysterectomy. I also suffer with anxiety and depression so I'm in the same boat . Do you get any suport now ??
have they given you any hrt along with the prostrap? Or are you going the prostrap without hrt? That will definitely add to depression. Age is another factor with going through a hysterectomy the younger you are the more of a shock it is on the system but with the right hrt you will feel a lot better xx
Im 34 , 12 documented miscarriages and a still born daughter and all this is down to unteated endometriosis and yeh they have put me on tibilone. Can I ask how long ur recovery was ? And how long u had to stay in hospital? Xx
hopefully you saw my previous reply to you as I tried to cover everything in that but just reading back I realised you also asked how long I was in hospital. I stayed overnight in hospital then went home in the afternoon of the following day. It can be longer if you have open surgery but laparoscopic surgery is a better recovery so as long as you can show that you have been to the toilet 3 times they let you go home. I hope you have people around you to help and support with the recovery as it is a very slow process physically it took a lot out of me and I was shocked but due to allergies I could only take paracetamol for my whole recovery so I really did feel it but don’t be shocked I struggled with walking for weeks afterwards but instead of doing what lots say about building up every day I rested and just walked in my garden to start with then it took about 6 weeks till I could walk outside the house and down the road but it really was baby steps whifh worried me but it was just better for me to take it slowly and not rush things xx
Hi, MyStar86. I've been reading your posts here with interest. I'm 40 and have just been diagnosed with stage 4 endo which is affecting my uterus, ovaries and bowel. I was offered a full hysterectomy or chemically-induced menopause. If I'd been nearer to menopause, I think I'd be more inclined to opt for the latter but I don't really fancy years of being on and off hormones. It all sounds so unsettling. The problem is that the idea of a hysterectomy absolutely terrifies me. Any advice would be welcome.
I’m so sorry to hear you are suffering but also that you are terrified, please don’t be scared I know it’s a big thing having a hysterectomy but what part of it scares you? Then I might be able to help….is it the pain and recovery or is it the hormones? Personally my consultant would recommend chemically induced menopause before a hysterectomy this way you can balance your hormones over a few months in a less dramatic way and also if it really doesn’t suit you, you have the option to stop the injections vs an irreversible hysterectomy. I would go for the zoladex with added hrt so you can get the balance and find what her suits you then after about 4 - 6 months then go for the hysterectomy if you feel comfortable with it. The zoladex is not the same as a hysterectomy hormones wise but it’s the closest that you will get to being able to get an idea of how you feel and if you want to go ahead with the surgery. I imagine they will put you on the combined patches to start with and that’s a good option and works for many, I never tried the combined patches so I can’t advise on that one but if you feel bad there is the option to add oestrogen via sprays or gel etc.
Let me know what’s worrying about the hysterectomy and I can see if my experiences will be able to help but try not to be scared I know it’s a big thing however you have suffered for so long to get to this point and yes surgery is a big thing and it’s a slow recovery but you so get there it’s not never ending and you will progress and suddenly you wonder how you feel so much better and you can do more and slowly get your life back. Big hugs and let me know what other questions you have I’m happy to help if I can xx
Aaw, thank you so much. I've just had a chat with the endo nurse and she has suggested trying the injections before the surgery so I'm going to make an appointment with my GP to discuss this further. I think my main fears about surgery are that I would be falling off a cliff in terms of menopause. I'm also really scared about recovery (I'm rubbish at feeling ill) and the possibility that something could go wrong with my bowel. This'll sound weird but I'm also worried because I know this will worry my Mum terribly. I don't want to put her through the stress she'd feel if I were to have an op.