Hi all,
I have just signed up to this page and am looking for some advice.
I had a laparoscopy 5 years ago where they found a large cyst and endometriosis. I wasn't told anything about endometriosis following the op. I have only just found out that I will always have this condition due to going to A&E in pain. This has been going on for about a month and gradually getting worse, I now have a huge swollen belly which looks like I'm pregnant and I am in a lot of pain. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck too (is this normal?!)
I am waiting for a scan and a gynaecology appointment to discuss treatment. I have a minera coil already and they have said this is not enough on it's own. The gynae doctor came to see me in A&E and mention HRT and it scared the life out of me! I am newly married and planned on trying for children in a year or 2...that now another worry in terms of fertility. I can see from other's posts that many people have children already... so there is hope?