Hey ladies! Just looking for a bit of advice/reassurance that I'm not going mental!
I got admitted to hospital on Friday night via ambulance, had the most intense waves of pain I've ever had and pretty much collapsed on my boyfriend. Internal and external ultra sounds show poly cystic ovaries (which I already knew) but the pain and bleeding was most deffo Endo.
Now the consultant is saying that I was passing a kidney stone because there was blood in my pee test! (Duh, obviously if I was bleeding!!)
Do any of you have Endo that is mostly settled but with the odd flare up? I can accept that I may have stones, but think he's setting on that as the explanation because he has "proof" rather than exploring the endometriosis. But can Endo change after having a mirena for nearly 3 years??!!! Do I push for another laparoscopy to see if much has changed??
Any help muchly appreciated xx