Is this a typical endo symptom. Mine is so bad - hard to live with.
Constant feeling to pee: Is this a typical... - Endometriosis UK
Constant feeling to pee

It's not something I've ever experienced but people with endo often have a cross over with something called interstitial cystitis that can affect your bladder and give you sensations like that. Might be something to look in to?
Not in my experience but I had these symptoms shortly after my last lap when the catheter they used gave me cystitis and a kidney infection which took 2 rounds of antibiotics to clear up. Maybe go to your GP and get him to do a protein test in a urine sample?
I have a big endo cyst and I need to wee all the time, it's like my bladder is half the size it used to be. And it hurts to pee. I have no infection, that is confirmed. Doc said it's endo.
But, you should have some blood tests to make sure you don't have a urinary tract infection.
Hi I have endo & recently was referred back to specialist after presenting to my GP with frequent urination & irregular periods.
At this stage the urinating was causing me the most grief - I could just about live with the pain from my endo and lucky dip of when I would or wouldn't get my period. I have had problems with an overactive bladder for a while now but it has gotten so bad I can't continue as I am. When out walking our very energetic dog I find I need to go every half an hour. When sitting down or in bed it is better in that I only need to go every 2 hours. And yes this includes throughout the night so I am knackered!
I thought it was my endo getting worse as I know I do have it on my bladder.
After the endo specialist did an internal exam he said he thought I might have Adenomyosis as my uterus was very tender to touch (I almost jumped off the table!). Apparently Adenomyosis can also cause both of the symptoms I presented with.
I have had a diagnostic lap and hysteroscopy and have radical excision surgery for endo scheduled for March + in my case a hysterectomy for the Adenomyosis.
As time has progressed I've found my Adenomyosis symptoms increasing and I now can tick pretty much all of them on the list.
Whilst endo can irritate the bladder making you want to urinate more frequently, it may also be worth asking your GP to rule out any other potential suspects.
Wish you all the best
Mine is caused by Adenomyosis too
Dunno if this is any help to you bit I have exactly the same problem... Always need to pee, never feel like I've emptied my bladder fully, can't hold my pee in for long and sounds discussing but now getting uncontrollable dribbling... I'm only 19! I've had tests done and scans and they said there is 100% no infection... They Think I have got endo on my bladder as well as everywhere else but all will be revealed Tuesday when I have my lap so I will let you know!
I really sympathise! I had endo patches removed from my bladder back in Aug 2014, and since then have had a lot of problems with urgency & pain when peeing. I've just started low dose Amitriptyline (10mg/day) and it helped immediately! I've definitely noticed side effects with this drug - negatives: grogginess in the morning if you take it too late at night, possible bitter taste in mouth; positives: excellent night's sleep and no waking up in the night to pee - but this isn't necessarily the case for everyone... This site may help:
Hope you start feeling better soon! x