No pain relief helps! Has anyone used tramadol? I've got some from my Gp x
Tramadol? : No pain relief helps! Has... - Endometriosis UK

I was on tramadol for a while 1 for a back issue, they worked well for that, I've also taken it for my pelvic pains and I think it worked for a while, but then just felt high with pains, hope it help your pain
Tranexamic acid and metenamic acid helps me!
Tramadol can work well for endo pains,but we all react differently.I found it made be very wakeful -good when I was trying to get through the day,but at night although the pain was a little better,I was wide awake!However I changed to dihydrocodeine and it seems to work best as makes me sleepy,but the down side during the day I feel doped.I find dihydrocodeine( and paracetamol plus my other cocktail of antidepressant and gabapentin) work best for me.You can also take paracetamol with tramadol which is what pain clinic would recommend if eg the tramadol doesn't give enough pain relief.The other thing I have learned is that if you are on painkillers,they need to be taken regularly.I used to try to go longer without,but by then the pain had got so bad that the next lot didn't work.So do take them as prescribed(with food always) and if they are not relieving the pain go back to your GP,as we should not be left in pain.
The other thing you should insist on is referral to a pain specialist,as they are really very understanding and can suggest different drug combinations,TENS machine,acupuncture.It was pain clinic who put me on Gabapentin( for nerve pain) and Effexor(antidepressant that also helps pain).The Effexor I have ben on since September and it has helped both my mood( I was low due to more than a yrs being bedbound with extreme endo pain) and amazingly the pain is so much better.So there are lots of combinations you can try.
I also follow the endo diet and consult a herbalist and use Epsom salts baths 2-3 times a week as well as massaging arnica and calendula oil all over my abdomen.This in addition to my collection of hot water bottles,heat pads and cool pads !
It is related to the morphone family which i didn't know. I am always worried about the tylonal possibility. (I turn out to be morphine intolerant). I throw up with the Tramadol, and couldn't figure out why. It helps somewhat with the pain for me. My other problem with it, it stops all my digestive organs. I don't digest my food when I am on it, and was constipated forever it seems.
Also, I can't go to work while on this pill. It's not safe for me.
I've been on it a couple of weeks now. I find it very helpful, it doesn't make me feel sick, drowsy or constipated like codine does and although I still have some pain on it, it I dulls it enough to get on with things. I only take it when I really have to as I'm weary of addiction. Had a funny night on it at the weekend though. I couldn't sleep with pain so gave in at 5am, slept in fits and starts after but woke up every time I was trying to talk in a dream. It was like my body insisted on actually talking coherently and putting the effort in, which meant waking up.....odd. Other than that, I find I'm in danger of injering myself whilst exercising on it, so I try and only do light to moderate excercise after taking it to minimize the risk.
Last time I went to the Gyni I was offered Tramadol but I turned it down as I heard about the side effects. At Christmas I had to stop taking Qlaira just before Christmas because I couldn't cope with the constant migraines and the Endo pain wasn't much butter just more chronic and less intense. But my Sophrology really does help me manage the pain and manage the stress that so often makes the pain worse and become a vicious cycle. Twice this week I have found myself looking at the box of codéine because I felt the pain growing so I went and sat in the garden in the sun or did something that I really love doing and consciously practising Sophrology and before I know it the pain is much better. The body is amazing and Sophrology has helped me discover this. Let me know if I can help. I am very happy to share this technique! X

Wow what is it? X
It's a relaxation technique developed about 50 years ago and used a lot in france and spain. I'm living in Switzerland at the moment so was lucky enough to find out about it through my school. Professor Caycedo found by asking patients to come into present time by focusing on sensations in their body (which I hated the thought of originally because I had so much pain) he could then help them by asking them to think of something positive or happy in their lives and then notice the sensations in their body again. This feeds back to the brain and makes positive connections. The body and brain are so awesome. He designed this for war victims to help them recover from the trauma they had been through by combining Western and Eastern philosophies. It is so good for pain I have found, because when we suffer chronic pain it is such a relief to know that our body can still give us good sensations and this wires in our brain the more we do the exercise. Bruce Lipton is another awesome guy to follow too. He wrote The Biology of Belief.
I really think Sophrology could be awesome for people with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis like myself or for any chronic pain condition and am offering to run a Skype call this Friday afternoon if anyone is interested to find out more and try out an exercise. It is really gentle.
Message me if you are or know anyone else that is interested and I will give you my Skype address.
Big hugs
Jen xx

That's incredible, sounds so good and when you are in so much pain you're willing to try anything!! Thank you I can't make the session Friday but will look into this x
Your welcome, I am happy to Skype another time if that helps. It may be that Friday doesn't work for a few others too, but do ask if you want to know more and want to try some exercises. It's what I love doing and am happy to share. No charges, I just gain experience for my Diploma and something I love and it will hopefully help others too. ;0)