Hi, im going to try to keep this as short as possible. I have not slept properly and cant stop thinking and googling and i just need somebody to speak to.
I have had problems for a number of years, constant UTI's, IBS pains, various scans of my bladder kiddeys etc. I have always thought there is something wrong with my bladder or bowels but I now am 99% sure its endo. I had two trips to A&E in the last 3months with crippling sharp pelvic pain and was sent away to the GUM clinic who treated me for Pelvic inflammatory disease 'as a precaution' and I was tested for all infections (which came up clear). they suspected PID because did an internal exam where the doctor feels my cervix, i was tender in places. I told the GUM clinic that i was worried it may be cysts but they said they couldnt refer me to the gynea without me going to my gp. The pains did subside slightly, but they have now come back again. As i moved home in May i didnt get myself registered with a gp until last month and when i finally went a few weeks ago they refered me straight to the gynae. I had my appointment last week and she felt my cervix and surrounding areas again and asked where i felt pain. she said that i felt the pain 'behind' the uterus and 'on the ligament'. She has refered me for an ultrasound and a lap. She says all symptoms are pointing to it being endo. she is also sending me a coloscopy as i sometimes bleed after sex which she said is a seperate issue. my current symptoms are:
random brown discharge
pelvic pain in the middle and lower right side lasting for several days at time in waves of pain where i become doubled over
bladder pain (especially when i need the loo it almost feels ice cold)
pain during sex
blood on a tissue after sex
pain on internal pelvic examination
now the part that confuses me is during my obsession with googling endo i have found that one of the possible treatments for endo is to have the mirena coil fitted. I have this already? should i still be experiencing pain? i have the mirena because i have very painful and heavy periods and this was to stop them.
I am particularly worried because i was planning to start trying for a baby within the next year. I am 26, in a stable long term relationship, good career and recently bought my own home. Next on the agenda was having baby - now im worried! even more worrying is that before i had the mirena fitted a year ago i wasnt really on contraception, and wasnt exactly careful with condoms/timimgs - and i have never been pregnant.
another question i have is - following the lap, how long will i need to take off work? i am a teacher and teach 5 year olds so obviously need lots of energy!
so to conclude i have convinced myself im covered in endometriosis and infertile.
thanks so much for reading and i hope this wasnt too long!