Mirena Coil - Your stories, good or bad! - Endometriosis UK

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Mirena Coil - Your stories, good or bad!

PotatoCats profile image
10 Replies

I'm starting to seriously consider the Mirena as the Depo Shot gave me side affects i wasnt happy with, the main one being absolutely no sex drive whatsoever (one of my main problems with having endo is the lack of sex in my relationship due to pain) and I read that mirena has little to no affect on sex drive in most women. I was hoping to hear some of your experiences of having the Mirena, good or bad experiences, to help decide if i want to go through with it.. xxxxxx

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10 Replies
Fabbird profile image

Hi, I think you can only try it and see. From previous posts we have very different experiences. It seems to be easier if you’ve already had children.

Personally it’s been great. Took several months to settle. During this time I got nasty cramps - felt like my body was trying to expel it (I’ve not had kids). I persisted because I didn’t like the sound of the alternatives. Then it just got easier and easier. No periods, hardly any pain, noticeable but low level side effects. I felt a little bit fat, spotty, depressed and lacked libido but this faded over time (or I got used to it). All quite mild for me. On my second lap, after 3 years of the Mirena my endo was improved, ie it had actually treated it.

I found they wear out after 3 years and the pain returns. I get them changed and have never had a repeat of the settling in problems. I’m currently on my fourth. The only issue now is that as I’ve hit menopause the dose of progesterone is a bit too low, so I am getting some endo flare ups. I haven’t been able to get any advice about managing these, but assume they are time limited.

Amullins12 profile image

I had the Mirena about six months ago and also take Cerazette, which the doctor hoped I would be able to come off in time but symptoms returned if I stopped taking it. I’ll be very honest that having it put in was very painful and distressing, but that’s just me. The doctor was about to quit and refer me to a hospital so I could have gas and air but I told her to go for it! I’ve not had any problems since having it in, no pain, rejection etc. The constant bleeding I was experiencing died off in three months. I still get random pains and a light bleed every now and then but all in all, it’s working for me. Hope that helps x

PotatoCats profile image
PotatoCats in reply to Amullins12

I'm not actually sure what cerazette is? (I'm from australia, this is the only website i've found like it!)

Amullins12 profile image
Amullins12 in reply to PotatoCats

Ah sorry, it’s the mini pill x

Abi_97 profile image

Hi I had my coil put in over a month ago 😮 For the first few weeks I was constantly bleeding but without pain and I did get my period which was lighter and easier 😮 I should of started my period yesterday but so far nothing 😊 I do get bad spells of dull aches the ones that are just irritating and my stomach problems seem to be at its worse but the coil has stopped some of my symptoms pain a week leading up to my period, pain going to the loo, sharp pelvic pain 😊 The coil hasnt helped my daily stomach problems but it has eased my period problems 💪🏻I wouldnt know about the sex drive because sex is so painful for me and I have almost daily nausea I never want to do it (luckily my bf isnt phased either)😮 I would say try it but if you are not getting it put in while you are asleep( I got mine put in when I went for a lap) prepare for pain 😮

PotatoCats profile image
PotatoCats in reply to Abi_97

Did they remove any endo during your lap? Did it not help the intercourse pain? My problems with sex are honestly the ones that affect me the most mentally. The constant aching in my back and belly and legs all day everyday i can cope with... the affects of NO sex almost at all in my relationship i really can't cope with all that well. I'm hoping once i have my first lap done my sex life (and life in general) won't be so terrible at least for a while. And yes, if i decide i want to try the mirena i'm planning on having it put in whenever i have my first lap done, but no confirmed date yet....

Abi_97 profile image
Abi_97 in reply to PotatoCats

They couldnt remove the endo so I'm not sure whether it will help 😮 See for me it doesnt phase me its the constant nausea that affects me 😮

Jenny8 profile image

I have had the mirena coil for almost five years (getting it replaced soon) and it has been fantastic. I have stage 4 endometriosis and have two children (ivf). It took time to settle, but now get no periods and only the occasional twinge. My sex drive hasn't been changed, but what has improved is my mood (although husband may disagree). No longer get hormonal mood swings. Good luck. Xxx

mando44 profile image

Everyone’s body reacts differently my friend had one and is fine I had one 2 years ago I’m 44 got two kids but suffered with bad periods once I was young I finally got to see gynaecologist whom suggested the Moran cool I went for it I had none stop period for a year then it disappeared but I would get bad pains and shooting pains down my legs I went to see my go who sent me for an ultra sound and miy cool is in a funny position and I also

Have. A cyst now so I am back on a list to see gynaecologist again it’s been 6 months and I’m in agony I just want the thing out but have been told that family planning can’t do it because of the position of it but like a say I may of been the one percent that it did it take too I have friends whom love it

Had it put in Feb 14th. Absolute agony ended up in out of hours doctors after crying down the phone to 111 for the first time ever. Cramps got 10x worse than normal, bleeding stopped but was replaced with constant discharge. Held on as long as I could but strings got lost and had to have a scan. Sex was very uncomfortable for the bf as the strings scratched right at the tip and never softened down. Had my check up at gyne and as it wasn't working and was the last resort as I've tried everything else they wanted me to (before even going to this gyne - so she was surprised I'd already gone through all the other stuff.) Finally got put forward for a lap, had it in November and thankfully got my coil removed. General level of pain has now decreased in general but I still have my issues... I just wasn't happy with the mirena at all - and it destroyed my sex drive whilst I had it in.

I'm 20 (literally turned 20 yesterday), only just diagnosed in November with endo after 10yrs of being ignored etc and never had kids (just so you know in regards to it apparently being easier for some of those who have had a baby).

If you do get the mirena I wish you all the best! Hopefully it works for you 😊😊 xx

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