Before you answer, please note that the forum guidelines do not allow names of individual clinics or doctors to be mentioned, although that makes it a bit difficult to discuss this... My question is :Has anyone participated in a pain management programme or therapy on the NHS and did you find it helped you? I saw a pain consultant at a London hospital at the end of January, and he offered to refer me to this type of programme. It was supposed to be a group therapy with CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and relaxation techniques. However, I seem to have fallen between the cracks. A few months after this appointment I called to ask how much longer I would have to wait, and was told the waiting list was long, and I just had to be patient. Now, 8 months later, I called again and was told I had NOT been referred to the group therapy I thought I was being referred to! The lady I spoke to did not know why and will have to ask her colleagues, but said it might be because I have pelvic pain and my condition is associated with infertility, it may be too sensitive to discuss in a mixed group session. She also said that the sessions were only meant for muscular-skeletal pain (!) and that I may instead have been put on a waiting list for individual treatment sessions.
I must say that I am extremely disappointed that I was not consulted on this. I find over 8 months to be a very long wait for a pain management session. If asked, I would have opted for a group session, since the waiting list seems much shorter for those. I find it remarkable that a person in chronic pain should be ,,left dangling" like this, not knowing what is happening with my referral for 8 months! Why is pain treated as such a low priority medical issue? I can tell you that my chronic pain interfered with my sleep quality to such an extent that I was starting to suffer from migraines, chronic fatigue, infections, low immunity and a host of other symptoms. Finally, I saw a GP who suggested I try a low dose of amitriptyline before bedtime as well as going on the progesterone only pill. This combination enabled me to get a more restful sleep and got me out of a vicious cycle of pain and fatigue.
I am still waiting to get onto that pain management programme however!