Hiya 😊 I was diagnosed with endo in February after three years of appointments, and was wondering if anyone had any advice for pain management? Painkillers don’t really do much for the pain as I’m sure you’ll all have experienced, and I’m looking for more effective alternatives. Has CBD oil or TENS machines been effective for anyone? And if so do you have any specific recommendations? Thank you! 💕
Pain management : Hiya 😊 I was diagnosed... - Endometriosis UK
Pain management

Hello! I would probably say the best way to manage it is to not have periods at all, I managed mine with contraception xx
I found the TENS machine useful sometimes but to be honest it was work I did in between periods which had the most impact. So that started with changing diet to stop inflammatory food and drink. And then castor oil packs and Maya abdominal massage. Contraception also helps massively if you can take it.
Hey! I've been an endo sufferer for about 5 years now. I found changing my diet and exercising regularly (could only manage walks but did so religiously everyday at least 20 mins) helped me alot. It took a while to get used to but I cut out carbs and sugar as I found this feeds endo and makes it worse. I then started eating more anti inflammatory foods and foods to mend my liver and cleanse me out. My breakfast consisted of chia seeds, flax seeds sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, gold berries, 1 organic banana, cocoa powder and soya milk (oh I switched to soya milk instead of normal milk as well). If I was to say change 1 thing it would be your diet and I would recommend this to everyone. Take a look on my page, I wrote a lot of info on a white board 1 day when I was in a lot of pain and it changed my life. If you can't find it give me a shout and I'll post it for u x
Hi welcome! I have found the progesterone only pill reduced pain and stopped periods and gabapentin for when it gets really bad but I like the other post about diet as its really a chance to improve your overall health which may help with your pain. Also yoga is good too xx
Hi thank you all for your replies! Sorry for the late response I forgot my login details 🙄 I’ve been on the pill for years, had issues with the progesterone only pill so was placed on a high dose oestrogen combined pill to try help the pain. The changes haven’t really made a difference as I get pain both during and not during my period. In terms of exercise I do pilates (although I’m a bit out of practice after surgery!) which is good just to feel active without being in agony after. I haven’t actually looked into diet yet but have heard good things so definitely will. Thanks again hope you’re all good 🥰❤️