Not the type to do this sort of thing... - Endometriosis UK

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Not the type to do this sort of thing...

9 Replies

Hi, so I aren't the type of person to do forum posts but I'm feeling pretty alone just now, pretty depressed, and I have a lot of questions that you might be able to help with... I'm waiting for a laparoscopy as the gyne suspects that I have endometriosis. I came off the pill last October as my fiance and I are hoping to have a baby and since then I've had blood in my stools, awful period pains on and off up to 2 weeks after my period, I used to get what I called 'sad Saturday' the week before my period but now, like today for example, I get it a week or even more after my period, my left breast aches, my back hurts, and one minute I'm happy and the next minute I just want to cry! Do you fellow sufferers get this? I'm pinning my hopes on the laparoscopy to feel better and more normal and suppose I'm looking for some reassurance that these symptoms are A) recognised and B) might be relieved after the laparoscopy. I'm currently on mefenamic acid for the pains although can't totally say that I feel they do much good :/ Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated xx

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9 Replies
Emma-louise profile image


I was put on mefenamic acid by my GP. I really didn't find it helped alleviate my symptoms, if anything it just made me feel pretty rubbish. I have since been prescribed Diclofenac which i think is a stronger ibuprofen. I had my lap done mid June, and since then i was advised to have the Mirena Coil fitted but opted to go back on the pill (tried many and most of them don't agree with me). Like you I'm also very hormonal - one minute laughing, the next minute crying over the littlest thing.

Since my Lap i can say my periods have been pretty much the same - maybe a little lighter, and my daily pain has gone, although I've found my periods have lasted just as long (2 weeks).

Your definitely not alone. This forum will help you relate to so many people in the same boat as you, so please don't feel lonely.

I hope your Lap comes back with something that will give you a clear cause for your symptoms and you'll finally be able to be pain-free.

Good luck!

Emma Xx

in reply to Emma-louise

Hi Emma,

Thank you for your reply. I don't want the coil or to go back on the pill as me and my fiance are hoping to have babies... the best known cure! ha ha! It doesn't appear to be happening so far which definitely isn't helping with the moods! I aren't sure if I want to go on diclofenac - I'm sure they say it can be addictive and I always worry about being spaced out! My period itself isn't so bad, it's about a week after it that I get the hormonal bits though!

It's a relief to speak to people that actually understand! I think the other half and my best friend just can't understand at all... xx

Impatient profile image
Impatient in reply to

Diclofenac is not addictive. The ones that are, contain opiates. Diclofenac doesn't.

Naproxen is a slightly milder one than dicolfenac and again is not addictive.

You may rely on them for along time because you are in pain for a long time - but once the pain is resolved then it's not a problem to stop.

I find they do make me drowsy/sleepy but wow do they work on pain much better than over the counter ones do.

I prefer Diclofenac personally but it does carry risks of heart problems in some people which is why the NHS are tending to switch ladies to Naproxen instead.

Diclofenac is also known as Voltarol when you buy it over the counter.

The over the counter version is a lower dose than the prescription strength version.

and you can use it along side ibuprofen(nurofen) and paracetamol too. Alternating depending on your pain levels or topping up pain relief if you are not yet due the next dose of the stronger stuff.

Co-codamol, tramadol etc pain killers have the potential to be addictive because they are opiate based drugs.

Diclofenac is not suitable for use while you are pregnant.

Naproxen is okay to use in early pregnancy but not in the last 3 months of pregnancy.

Pain causes a lot of stress - if you get comfy by reducing pain - you automatically reduce your stress levels too, which certainly helps in baby making.

The patient advice leaflets for all drugs are freely available on line to read through before you decide to take them or pay for a prescription.

Shehulk profile image

Hi, I also came off the pill in October last year and I started having problems pretty much straight away. I haven't had blood in my stools but I had get bad period and ovulation pains, awful back pain and mood changes. My hormones have been all over the place since I stopped the pill too but I started doing the endo diet 2 months ago and while I cannot say that it has help much with the pain I definitely have notice that my moods are more levelled now, so it might be something worth trying while you wait for the op. I am having a laparoscopy in November and, like you, I am hoping it will make things better, specially the pain. You are definitely not alone. Hope you you get your lap soon and that it will help with your symptoms xxx

in reply to Shehulk

Thank you so much for replying, it's awful to know that you are having the same thing but I'm relieved to hear that it sounds like this is what it is! I have thought about the endo diet but not taken it too seriously... I will have a look into it now as doing the big shop soon... yep, on a Saturday night! :( lol xxx

Hope23 profile image

Hi smokeyeyedblonde

Your symptoms do seem to be leaning towards endometriosis I'm afraid. Mood cinches, awful periods and pain at all times your cycle are all symptoms. It's good that you are having a lap though, this really is the only way to confirm it's Endom and they will be able to cut or burn it out. Recovery is anything up to 1 to 3 weeks so you do need some time off work. Just don't over do it in the first few days and you should be fine.

Sadly getting pregnant is hard when you have endometriosis, but it can happen! Hopefully after they've had a look inside you they will be able to treat it and once you know the severity of it i.e has it affected your ovaries, uterus, tubes etc, you will then be advised on the fertility side of things. It all depends how long it's been forming inside and the state of the organs we need for fertility.

Good luck to you. Look after yourself and don't overdo it after your lap!


Hope23 profile image

Mood changes I meant! Ha

Peachey1993 profile image

I had my laparoscopy with suspected endo 3 years ago now and after recovery from the op my symptoms improved greatly! Now however 3 years on they are returning and I'm having a lot of pain and breakthrough bleeding. The laparoscopy will help initially tho! Xxx

Burgesslea profile image

Sorry to hear that I have just had my 2nd lap opp this week and they have removed lots and also from a place called the pouch of Douglas which I believe is an erea that effects your back passage, that's a common place Aparently for it to be found. It was also found on my overies which made me upset but know one could tell me what Taft could mean for us. My fiancé and I want children and getting married in 8 weeks time, been going to docs and trying to get some answers before but no I just have to wait for a meeting which will be 2 weeks before my big day....I'm just praying for some good news for once as they were talking about putting in for a bigger opp on my bowl! But hormones are all over the place after my first lap ones things settled down all was fine for 2 years. Fingers crossed you get the answers you need, and all goes well for you xx

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