I don't know if I have endometriosis, but I've had awful periods from about day 1 on the first day of my period I'd always get immense pain in my abdominal area and would usually be sick, I'd sort of accepted my periods would be painful because sometimes ibuprofen would work. However more frequently ibuprofen would not stop the pain and I'd be violently sick and feel close to passing out so I went to the GP she thought I was just being sick because my pain was so bad and gave me a stronger painkiller mefanamic acid ( I think) that worked for a bit then it didn't and also caused bowel issues and made me have diahorea and not be able to eat for two days, when I went back to the GP I saw a different doctor who said period pain is normal and suggested I tried yoga. After that I felt quite embarrassed and didn't really know what to do. One night I was reading an article online and it was about period pain it was talking about endometriosis, since I was puberty id always had digestive pain that was excruciating but they claimed it could be ibs or wheat intolerance. The women's experience with endometriosis and her symptoms reminded me of the symptoms I'd been experiencing so I told my dad about it who said to ask my mum because she may know something about it. It turns out my mum had endometriosis and I'd never realised. So I decided to go the GP to ask to be referred to a gynaecologist as I read online the only way to be diagnosed is through a laparoscopy. The doctor was convinced enough that she referred me to a gynaecologist and prescribed cocodamol for the pain. I was on about a 5 month waiting list to see the gynaecologist but as the period was only excruciatingly painful the first day of the period I was okay because I knew I only had to go through the pain 5 more times. I am studying my AS levels, gradually I've started to feel tired all the time even if I've done nothing, I started getting the pain not just on the first day of my period, then gradually the pain extended to five days before my period and five days after, the week before my period I get very painful lower back pain which I've never had before and really made me panick the first time. The cocodamol made me tired, and the constant pain made me feel exhausted I was finding it very difficult to concentrate in class and complete work on time, which is unusual for me. I did well at GCSE but I'm worried I'm gonna fail my alevels because everynight I'm either tired, in pain, or feel dizzy. One night I was just sat down and I got super dizzy I went to go tell my mum and I fell over and banged my head because I'd been dizzy. I've had to drop one of my AS's because I can't keep up. I feel like I'm stuck in limbo, after the period I keep catching bugs and missing more school time, atm I only feel well 1 week of the month. Telling my GP about how everything had gone down hill she wrote asking for a faster referred it turned out it was roughly still the same waiting time but I had a letter asking for a ultrasound to be done. The ultrasound experience was so bad, I had to hold my bladder which I thought would be okay but for some reason it was so painful and triggered pain down my side I couldn't speak it hurt so bad walking into the ultrasound room I was crying it hurt so bad, I felt so pathetic but it hurt worse than all the pain before, and the pressure of the ultrasound on my pelvic area was excruciating. I don't know if this is normal but I've got my gynaecologist appointment in under a month and I don't know what to do, any advice would really help?
Could this be endometriosis? I don't know... - Endometriosis UK
Could this be endometriosis? I don't know what to do.

I had an ultrasound too just before my laparoscopy. It was very sore just as you are describing. They found endometriosis on my bladder in the laparoscopy as well as on my ovaries. It's such a debilitating illness that really no one understands unless they are going through it. I spent so much time off work when my period came, but yes it did get worse, I would have pain 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after. I'm sorry you are also in pain but the lap will find it if it's there. It's the only way to diagnose it. Try and rest I know it's hard, but try and focus on the upcoming lap. You can also call the waiting list co-ordinator for a cancellation that might be worth a try?
I'm sorry 😢 The period symptoms sounds like endo but many women also have autoimmune or ibd illnesses as well with endo so I would get the digestive symptoms checked out 😮 I'm currently being tested for gastro and ibd stuff because I have nausea and weight loss 😮 I have tips for nausea though peppermint oil tablets help, anti sickness travel bands help, ginger helps and for me cutting out gluten really helped 😮 Have you ever tried changing your diet? Sounds like you really need to see a doctor and hormonal help but sometimes diet change and natural tablets help some women 😮
Thanks the reply, I've been wheat free for about 4 years because I had pain ages ago quite similar to that on the period but in my digestive parts and they put it down to a wheat intolerance I'm not sure if they'll suggest cutting out dairy because my mums lactose intolerant but I'm not sure if it's linked to her endometriosis