Hi, my cervix hurts when I gently touch it with my finger - I've just started checking my cervix position to note changes through the month and I'm due my period any time now or tomorrow so it's lower so today is the first time I've been able to reach it. I was very careful not to prod but when I touched the opening to the womb in the middle of the cervix, it was quite sore, even though I was touching very lightly. The pain went as soon as I stopped so it's only when I touch it that it hurts.
I've just read that cervical endo is quite common which I hadn't heard of before but I'm unable to find pain on the cervical opening as a symptom. (I'm awaiting a Lap with excision for endo and see my gynae again 26th June). I'm really worried, although my last smear was Apr last year and am 39years old and they've all been clear before. My endo prev was in the pouch of douglas and the left uterosacral ligament).
I definately know it was my cervix as I could feel the delve in the middle where the opening to the womb is (and this is where it hurts). Can anyone advise? x