Is it normal to wait 6weeks for results f... - Endometriosis UK

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Is it normal to wait 6weeks for results from laparoscopy?

Pandaeyes profile image
16 Replies

I had my diagnostic lap today and I couldn't believe it when I asked the nurse if they found anything she said I'd have to wait 6weeks for results! Is this common? Or can I assume no news is good news? I just wondered how long others have had to wait?

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Pandaeyes profile image
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16 Replies
Mitch15 profile image

Hello, I am not sure what is 'usual', but I had a lap a couple of weeks ago and the consultant came to see me straight afterwards to tell me what he'd found, and what he'd done. He then went and gave all the detail to my husband as I was still pretty drowsy and couldn't remember what he'd said.

It may be a good sign as it hey found a lot of issues with me and I am also scheduled to see the consultant again tomorrow for my post op follow up.

Pandaeyes profile image
Pandaeyes in reply to Mitch15

Thanks for replying. Hope your post-op goes well and you are recovering quickly X

Impatient profile image

Sometimes your surgeon will visit you right way while you are groggy and let you know- but if they hve a hevy schedule in the theatre it may not be practical to spare the time to trapse all the way to the ward each time a patient comes round.

There may not be much to tell yet either. If the surgeon has done several biopsies of what he thinks my hve been endo (remembering that they come in so many shapes and colours and can grow on anything) he/she may wish to wait for the all the results of th biopsies to be back before being able to tell you which parts of you hd the endo on them.

This can take a few weeks depending on the work loads of the hospital or the specialist department looking at the biopsies - it my also be nothing more than your surgeon is working elsewhere in the country, training or at conferences or is on holiday (easter is on the horizon) and cannot see you before 6 weeks.

If the surgeon gets the results through and drafts a letter for your GP and gets his secretary to write that up and he approves it and it gets posted to your GP, your own medical records at the GP surgery may get the results a bit quicker than your appointment comes through.

I would say that no news is good news - up to a point. Nothing sinister but it does mean more than likely that some tissue was sent off to check if it was endo. Which probably means that not that much was found, and what was found and suspected of being endo was removed - and hopefully the biopsies will confirm that to be the case.

Please don't worry - if there was a whole heap of trouble found then you are more likely to have been told about it while in hosp - while so groggy you can hardly take in all that is being told to you.

Pandaeyes profile image
Pandaeyes in reply to Impatient

Thank you for your reply. I hadn't really thought about biopsies etc I figured if there is something major going on they'd tell me right there so that's a relief!

Your reply has put my mind at ease. Thanks love x

Princessm profile image

My nurses told me straight away however didn't know how bad or where it was found. The surgeon wouldn't talk to me because it was his lunch time. My friend has just been told she has endo and had her lap 6 months ago xx

Pandaeyes profile image
Pandaeyes in reply to Princessm

Thanks for your replying interesting to see it really does vary from each hospital. Cheers xxx

Princessm profile image
Princessm in reply to Pandaeyes

I also never have a biopsey which everyone else seems to have had xx

Bokkie profile image

Hi. My surgeon came to see me as soon as he finished his morning surgery to tell me everything he found etc....I had only been back on the day ward an hour! I think it definitely depends on the surgeon. x

Pandaeyes profile image
Pandaeyes in reply to Bokkie

Thanks for replying, yes it looks like its different for everyone x

fibobs79 profile image

I had mine done feb and I have towait until may for my follow up. Hope this helps so I know nothing either. Think it must be normal spoken to a few other people who have said the same.

Pandaeyes profile image
Pandaeyes in reply to fibobs79

That's a long time to wait. I guess it is normal to wait when you think about them sending biopsies away etc. thanks for your your reply v.helpful. Good luck with your results x

fibobs79 profile image
fibobs79 in reply to Pandaeyes

Good luck to you too, it's awful having to wait isn't it? x

Blondedia profile image

Hi. I was told a few hours after I had my lap, it wasn't actually the surgeon but the consultant that told me. Like some of the other replies I agree that it depends on either the hospital , surgeons work load or biopsies. (It's better that they're thorough) I think that they would call you back straight away if they'd found anything sinister. Also there are other posts on this site where others have asked the same question as you because they didn't get their results straight away and they're having to wait weeks for them as well. Lisa xx

Pandaeyes profile image
Pandaeyes in reply to Blondedia

Thanks for replying Lisa, it looks like it's normal to wait a month or so and you're right that's better in terms of getting the full picture before getting the results. I'll stop fretting so much now! Cheers xx

Jembee profile image

I got told last night after my lap so got no follow up xx

mrsc2784 profile image

I was told in recovery that all was ok, the nurse on the ward told me, I got a copy of my discharge note (but ended up staying in overnight due to being sick). One of the gynae drs came to see me on theirward rround the following day. All hospitals are different but maybe you could follow up with your GP to put your mind at rest whilst you wait for your appointment?

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