Is it just me or does anyone else suffer from constant headaches and fatigue !?? Having to explain to people who don't have endo is so hard, especially work colleges, it makes me think they think I'm pulling a fast one !!
Headaches !!: Is it just me or does anyone... - Endometriosis UK
Headaches !!

yes me, have been under a neurologist and has told me to drink caffine and it does work for me x
I don't get headaches, but I certainly do get dreadful fatigue all the time. Can't shake that off, and any extra exertions then knocks me out for hours afterwards.
I had years of headaches and migraines that were mostly hormone related. The caffeine used to work for me temporarily. It seemed to help the headache tablets to work better.
Then, I had some stomach issues a couple of years ago and was advised to stop drinking caffeine altogether (and stop taking NSAID painkillers). Of course, I had a really bad migraine for about a week from coming off the caffeine. Since then, though, my headaches and migraines have almost entirely gone.
I miss the 'treat' of coffee and tea, but I'm so happy to not suffer the migraines any more.
I always thought caffeine made it worse ?? X
I have terrible headaches that come on really quickly and make me dizzy to the point I have blurred vision and I am actually sick, its usually just prior to the arrival of my period but there is no warning it doesn't build up it is just instant dizzy and then splitting headache and its not every month. The doctor told me to sit in a darkened room drink water and take migraine painkillers which is ok if im home when it happens...unfortunately im usually at work and I completely understand how hard it is to explain to non sufferers who have absolutely no clue how bad it is.
Even though my mum has been beside me every step of the way she still gets annoyed with me sleeping and such. I don't think anyone can really understand endo unless they have it. I just thought I'd suggest, maybe you are anemic or have low blood pressure prior to your periods? Maybe mention it to your GP. Perhaps Iron supplements or something might help.
Yeah I have been meaning to pop to the health food store to pick up some floradix ... It's amazing stuff to give u a boost of energy and bring up ur iron levels ... Not too sure if it will help with the headaches ??!