Anyone suffering with constant headaches?
Got told by the doctors its hormonal
nothing seems to be helping it.
Anyone suffering with constant headaches?
Got told by the doctors its hormonal
nothing seems to be helping it.
Hi Saf1Saf1, Yes I suffer with hormonal migraines. I take amitriptyline which reduced how often they occur so might be worth going back to your GP and asking to try it.
If you want a more natural solution, feverfew tablets from Holland & Barratt work well too xx
Just to rule out other things have you had your eyes tested recently? If your sight has changed that’ll cause headaches. Also can be side effect of medication if you’ve started anything new.
If you get nausea Metoclopramide works for me.
thank you so much!
I did get my eyes tested everything seems the same with that
n no new medication im not sure what it is and dont even know what to ask the doctors to test
thank you for your help xx
That’s great you’ve ruled those out. Has GP done a blood test including hormones? Test for things like vit D, B12, iron as well, plus the usual. The only other thing I can think of is tight muscles in neck/shoulders.
Back in 2018/19 my headaches got worse when I woke up, it all seemed to coincide with pain getting worse, turns out I have sleep apnoea.
🤞 you get an answer