Quick background....2 previous laparotomies. Endo stage 3/4.
Had laporoscopy on 29th Aug. 2 big cysts, lot of endo removed including large strip on bowel. Plan 3 months prostap then IVF.
Now 4 1/2 weeks post lap. A week after lap had a lot of bad pain in my side around hip and into lower back. Rang consultant who said it was side effect of prostap (muscle and joint pain) and should settle which it has. Since then however had a lot of pain/pressure in my bottom. Kind of feels around the base of my spine into my bottom. Obviously loads of stuff going through my mind....damage from op etc etc. Went to doc's who said where I have the pain isn't where my bowel is and it seems more musculoskeletal which fits with the prostap side effect theory although he had never heard of this. Going to the toilet most days, had a little constipation on occasions but generally ok. Sorry for TMI but sometimes the pain/pressure feels right up my rectum!
Got follow up with consultant in 2 weeks but wondering whether to go back to GP and ask them for an examination to rule anything obvious out.
Does anyone have any experience either as a prostap side effect or as something else? Naively after 2 laparotomies I expected a laporocopy to be a breeze!