Hi everyone!
After reading a few posts, I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice / tell me what to expect (as I always end up forgetting everything once i get to the doctors, so want to be prepared)/ even tell me if they think my symptoms could be endo? I am 20 years old and for the last year I have been back and forth to the doctors with back pain, painful bowel movement, urine infections and cystitis. My first appointment was August last year where the docs thought I had a kidney infection as I had back pain and a uti, after having a period with cystitis . They put me on antibiotics which cleared up the uti but not the backpain, so I went back again and was given anti inflammatories which also didnt work, so on a third visit I was given Buscapan which worked for a while.
Six months later I was suffering again with back pain and constipation during a period, this time there was no uti and the doctors couldnt work out what it was so booked me in for a scan of my abdomen, but they didnt find anything, I was left with no information on what to do next so just got on with things for a while.
Another six months on, I went back to the doctors with major diarrhea,(one week before my period) I was running to the toilet after every meal, major stomach cramps, fatigue etc so the doctor said it was IBS and sent me on my way with more buscapan.
2 weeks later (the diarrhea stopped the day my period ended) the diarrhea had stopped but the pain at the bottom of my back, the bloating of my stomach, the pain in my stomach, dizziness, tiredness and emotions I was experiencing was all too much so I went back to the doctor who has now referred me to a gynaecologist, so I am waiting for my appointment to come through, but I have no idea what to expect...
symptoms I have:
♡Blood on tissue after a #2
♡Painful periods (first two days can hardly move then the rest of the week I cry at everything).
♡Painful sex if deep :/
♡excruciating stomach ache after sex
♡Blood after sex sometimes
♡extreme tiredness
♡extreme emotions (I cry at everything)
♡Back ache right at the bottom (when led down my stomach feels bloated and my back feels like there is something pushing my insides into it), so bad I can hardly move at night.
♡Bowel movements change around a week before my period (either constipation where it hurts too much to go, or extreme diarrhea where I spend half my week on the loo)
♡ Thick clots in my period.
♡shooting pain up the bum
♡Shooting pain down the back of my thighs
♡A strange feeling in my front area, like I need a wee but I cant go, but not cystitis, gives me stomach ache
♡cold hands and feet all the time
♡ headaches
♡ Feelings of depression sometimes
.Other info:♥ Currently on the pill. have been for four years.♥Periods started at age 11, always been heavy.♥ No known family history
Feelings:Currently feeling so stressed out and tired, and worried about what to expect. I live 120 miles away from my family and live with my boyfriend and his uncle, two men that dont understand what I am feeling at the mo! I really want a diagnosis so that I know all this isnt in my head, and so that everyone else can see i'm not makin it all up, but at the same time i'm scared it is endo and its going to ruin everything I have ever dreamed of.Any advice for information will be really appreciated.
Feeling very alone right now! Sorry this is so long!