I recently had a lap and diathermy for severe endo and a cyst removal, how soon after can I exercise like running or sit ups weights etc? I still have bruising on the outside so I presume it will be like that internally?
how soon after a lap and treatment can I ... - Endometriosis UK
how soon after a lap and treatment can I excercise

i'm wondering that too. mine is 2 weeks on tuesday but mine is minimal (not as extensive as yours).
I might try going to pilates next week as mine is mat-based.
they generally say to wait 6 weeks after surgery as far as I recall.
I started doing gentle stretching about 2- 3 weeks after and then after 6 weeks I would just listen to my body in terms of what it can handle.
Gently to start....
Thank you. So will walking be ok?
Thank you. So will walking be ok?
Hi, I had a lap 1.5 weeks ago for stage 4 endo and have been signed off work for 3 weeks. I was told by the nurse to take it very easy as they had done a awful lot internally. I spent 2 days in hospital following the lap doing absolutely nothing. I started doing short walks 2 days after getting out of hospital, I'm building it up each day, going a telegraph pole further each time. I'm finding that it is helping me mentally as well as physically to get out and do something. The main thing i found is that i wasn't able to stand up straight due to bloating, i found that walking helped me with this and i am now much less bloated. My main sport is riding, think it will still be a couple of more weeks before I sit on my horse again.
i started back exercising after 6 wks, but i did short walks after one week, pilates is quite brutal on the stomach so i would check with the instructor, you MUST inform them of how long post op you are, as their insurance may not cover you should you become poorly during a sessions - but i would say any exercise 6 wks apart from gentle walking xx
Thank you. I was worried even walking may pull something internally!