Start my course of treatment tomorrow just wondered if the admission of the injection hurts?
Do the zoladex injections hurt ? - Endometriosis UK
Do the zoladex injections hurt ?

My doctor gives me a local anaesthetic to numb the area, which stings for a second or two but after that I don't feel a thing. I had my third injection/implant on Friday and all good so far.
The first one is uncomfortable, a stinging sensation which does not last very long. A local anaesthetic is not really needed particularly as that can often sting! You will probably develop an impressive bruise! The injection do get easier and less uncomfortable each time!
I say that it would depend who does it. I'm currently having the injections, number 5 trw. I've had 2 GPs inject me. Number 1 GP pinches my stomach and asks me to cough as she goes in. It's more or less painless. Number 2 GP, I saw as number 1 was on holiday, felt like she stabbed me. I was in pain for hours. Needless to say I'm seeing Number 1 trw. Lots of GPs don't have much practice injecting as they farm most of that out to the practice nurse. Good luck, remember to cough
I would say defo not cough!! i see a specialist who injects me every month he just does it really quick just to get it over with - i bleed quite alot afterwards fromt he injection site and get really bad bruises nearly 2 weeks after last one and im still bruiesed but its really not that bad its only an injection comapred to the horrendous pain of endo so i know which one i would rather have! Just be prepared for the side effects xx good luck xx
I had my first one 2 weeks ago done by a nurse and it didn't hurt, and was over so fast. I didn't even have any bruising. I think as others have said, it really depends who is doing it. Good luck! x
I had my first on Monday, done by the Practice Nurse and it didn't hurt. I have been told I have quite a high pain threshold and I did deep breathing at the time.
Yeah I have b12 injections and they don't particularly bother me and I had the anti clotting after my op and they didn't bother me, fear of the unknown I suppose !
Practise nurses have done mine, three of them and no it doesn't hurt. The nurse I had the first time was more worried than me, 'don't look at the needle, are you ok? Sorry, sorry, does that hurt'. Bless! If I had to have 6 at a time to make myself feel better it would be worth it. You'll be fine, actually I don't think u feel it as much as having a blood test.
My specialist did my 1st one last wednesday and and she was so quick it was all over in a flash, felt a warm sensation in area afterwards but that's it, not too bad for me.
I expected it to hurt from all I read & expected to have it in my stomach.
When my GP read the leaflet, as she hadn't administered it before, she promptly just put it in the top of my bum. Sort of above my knicker line, the fleshy part of my hip,slightly back from the side. I think the term is inter muscular but please correct me if I am wrong.
A further 3 have been administered in the same place by the nurse who is sure they don't need to go in your stomach.
As such, it's a very quick prick,little sting, that doesn't hurt much at the time or indeed after.
My injection is Prostap but it is the same as Zoldex.
For me personally, it's given me back some sanity or at least enough relief to regain my sanity!!
I've has a few Zoladex injections with and without an anaesthetic. If you're concerned about the pain, get some Emla cream from the pharmacy and apply to the site about 15-20 minutes before the injection. It will cause the area to go numb so you won't feel a thing. Best of luck.