The sensor from November 25th had to be changed today after lunch this afternoon. It kept alarming since 3:08 am (even when there wasn’t anything wrong. The first time I was woken up by the alarm, I had to do a test and then had a snack before going back to sleep.
The second time I was woken up by the alarm, I had done another test and then went back to sleep with no snack needed at the time.
After breakfast, I retest at 9:25 am and had a protein bar. After the bar, I had to retest at 10:20 am and had a can of pineapple juice (my second one for the morning). After all the food I had in the morning, I was really surprised when I was still in the low 200’s before lunch.
When I inserted the new sensor, I called to get a free replacement and it should be here between 3-7 days. Will see what happens soon after today.
More to come soon.😀👍🌈