Tonight, I had to change my sensor from 8-29-2021. It was having issues for the last few days on and off— including most of today. When the last time it went away, it didn’t seem to be willing to start working again this evening after dinner.
One early morning, I was woken up by the alarm on the receiver, but nothing was wrong with my blood sugar, so I had gone back to sleep for a few more hours before having breakfast.
There have been a lot of different alarms going on, but most of them were related to the no readings alert issues.
When I finish this posting, I plan to get a new free replacement sent out and hope it will be okay when it comes in a few days. Will see what happens when the time comes. Right now, it’s doing the warm up period and it will take until around 10:19 pm tonight for a reading to show on the receiver.
Watch this page for more updates soon. Stay safe, happy and healthy!