So, where do I start? This morning started out earlier than I had planned with an alarm going off because the receiver gave a message saying that there was a sensor error. That lasted until about 5:30 am. When all this happened, it was 4:45 am and I did a quick test before going back to sleep for the rest of the morning until about 6:30 am and then got breakfast.
The old sensor was put in on October 14th and couldn't even get close to the 24th.
After I replaced the old sensor this after, I also had to insert the new transmitter that's from a few months ago. This is the only transmitter I have in the house and on me. I called Tech. Support and got them to first give me 2 free sensors ( the first free sensor never got here/processed!). The second sensor is for what happened today. After the Tech. Support was done with their part of the sensors information, I had to find out when I can get my replacement transmitters since I don't have any others in the house-- except for what is on me, now. I was told that if the newest transmitter has any issues, they will rush one out for free and send it.