Well, today during the afternoon after getting done with lunch and a few other things, my sensor failed! I even got an alert that said that it failed and to change it right now. The sad part of this is, It almost made it to the 10th day of its use. I was alerted earlier today in the morning that it was to expire less than 24 hours ( it was suppose to be changed in the morning on Sunday). When the 2 hour warmup period is done and I know everything is doing the right things, then I will call for a free new replacement since there were so many alarms/alerts starting at 12 am/midnight when I was trying to sleep. The one thing that I was surprised about when I woke up at my normal time, I had been alerted to recalibrate now. That is the first time that alert showed up since I had started using the G6 system.
When I was trying to get some sleep, the Urgent low alert went off and was way off from what my actual blood sugars had been on my other monitor I use when I do testing. There is no way I was 36-> when the other monitor had me at 255 mg/dl! There was no reason for an urgent low alarm to go off.
Well, we'll see how the new sensor does and if that can last the entire 10 days. Will let you know more soon. Stay safe, healthy and happy.