Last night and parts of all day yesterday, the sensor I had put in on last Friday (7-10) was acting up and having alarms going off (sometimes inappropriately). When I was sleeping Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning, for no good reason, the alarm on the receiver went off thinking I was dropping when I know that 248-> isn't under-- or close to 80 ->, so why did I get woken up at 12 am that day? No idea. The only good thing about the low alarm going off at 6 am same morning when I had gone back to bed for a few hours, I actually did have to be alarmed about the number dropping because at that time, I really did need a snack before breakfast because I was 79 on my blood testing monitor and 78 ->. If I had waited longer and went back to bed, I probably would have dropped to the Fixed 55 low alarm. That isn't good.
At bed time last night, I had replaced the sensor and the system did the warm up set up correctly. The new sensor has been up and running since 12:30 am today. When I had seen that, I went back to sleep and got up at 6:30 am to start my day. So far, no issues with the newest sensor. I also had called to get a new and free sensor sent to me. No odd comments from the Reps. this time to make me worried. The only issue that I had was not knowing when it can be sent (there's been some issues with deliveries since COVID 19).
More to come soon. Watch this page for more details!