Well, I had been woken up by the alarm for the receiver for the last few days and I had to finally change the sensor yesterday afternoon before dinner last night (Wednesday). I had gotten 8 to 9.5 days out of the old sensor.
For the sleeping, I was up 3x and ended up calling for a free new sensor to be sent. I’m hoping to get it between 3-7 days, but it may be later since today is Thanksgiving Day.
When I called about the sensor, I had also mentioned that I would like to have a tracking number for each item/sensor so I can keep track of when everything is arriving. Unfortunately, the only one that can give me a tracking number is the one who delivers everything (they don’t do that these days).
Attached to the posting, I have put a copy of the way the old sensor was behaving during the day yesterday.
The new sensor is working so far.😀👍🌈
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! More news to come soon.