Well, it's Saturday-- new sensor day! I can't believe that the old sensor had worked the entire week. I thought it would have an issue yesterday, but it turned out being the lack of WIFI at the center.
During the week, the sticky backing that's suppose to stay on the area of where the sensor was inserted started to come up, but that didn't stop the sensor from working the correct way. A few times when the sticky part was coming up, the sensor would start acting wonky and either give inaccurate numbers or no numbers at all for a few minutes to a few hours. I got very lucky yesterday since none of this happened.
On Thursday early morning, the DEXCOM alarmed, but I was in such a deep sleep that I didn't hear the alarm going off. My parents had to wake me up and it turned out that my blood sugar was definitely going down. I had a half a bottle of juice and a protein shake for a 4:30 am snack. After the early morning snack, I went back to bed and retested at breakfast time. Still was running lower than normal for most of the day on Thursday and was really surprised by the results in general.
We'll see how the new sensor does by next weekend!