Well, I've never heard of such a long overnight when an overnight turns into more than 72 hours for something. To me, when I hear the word(s): 'overnight', that to me says either there's going to be a sleepover or expecting to see something at the door waiting the next day. That wasn't the case this time, unfortunately. Lucky me, I finally got the 9 sensors that I needed ( I had used the last one at the time). Having to wait for something that is suppose to help a person 24/7 and you don't have them right away can make a person very stressed out and upset. This is one reason why I hadn't been writing that much lately. The other reason is because I've been really busy with a few things, but I have been around in the background.
With some good news, the sensor that I just removed today worked for the entire 7 days! The one I inserted today is working so far. Will see how it goes before I say anything about it.
Well, more to come soon. Stay warm! We're suppose to get snow starting Sunday afternoon into Monday morning. The forecaster said somewhere between 3-6 inches by the time it's all over. Hopefully, he's wrong.